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Instant Pot American Goulash

Instant Pot American Goulash With three teens to feed on a daily basis, we are always looking for simple recipes that satisfy everyone's hunger and taste buds. This Instant Pot American Goulash recipe really...

Viking Expeditions Cruises

Viking Expeditions Cruises I am sure you know the name Viking when it comes to European River cruises and more recently their beautiful ocean ships. If you have not heard of Viking let me...

Homemade Vegetarian Ramen Recipe

Spicy Tantan Ramen

Spicy Tantan Ramen I love any kind of noodles but after living in Hawaii for many years, I am quite the ramen lover and connoisseur. I eat ramen at least once a week and...

Easy Meat Hand Pies Recipe

Beef Pasties Recipe

Beef Pasties Recipe Making fresh food and changing things around is kind of a family thing and we love things with crust or puff pastry! Here are some of our faves: Chicken Pot Pie,...

Crockpot Meatballs

Crockpot Meatballs We sure do love our slow cooker crockpot and indeed all of our kitchen gadgets around here. We are kind of having a love affair with making dinner in 30 minutes or...

Young woman relaxing in a spa

Best Essential Oils For Skin

Essential oils have been becoming more and more mainstream. We hear about them constantly and if you are on Facebook, the chances are you have been pitched to buy someone's essential oils. Essential contains...

Carbone Vodka Pasta Recipe

Carbone Vodka Pasta Recipe A simple pasta dish like this homemade pasta carbonara recipe can most likely be made with ingredients that you already have in your fridge. We made our best recipe for...