Wordless Wednesday - Son of a Joker - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday – Son of a Joker

This year my husband was in charge of the face painting. I handled the hair glitter for the girls.

I gave him the package which had a picture on it. The picture was similar to this:

But then my husband went a different route. Really I am not sure what route he went. Scary, maybe?

Something happened once I handed the facepainting supplies and pictures over to my husband. Below is the end result.

My kid looks like he could be the son of the Joker. Doesn't he? I find this picture a little scary.

By the way, my son absolutely loved it!

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  1. Great face makeup!! Hope you all had fun 🙂

  2. Brandy @ Momwich

    I think I love his rendition more than the package photo!!!!

  3. Melissa

    So scary! I love it!

  4. I like it. looks more like a scary zombie!!!

  5. Ann at Mundane Magic

    That just made me smile and chuckle…awesome job Dad! I give him points for his Zombie Count rendition. Best part is that it was a crowd pleaser. (I do think the lips look more like they have lipstick on them than blood dripping down. Then again, I never did like blood dripping down from a face!)

  6. Well, that’s certainly different! Well done Dad!

  7. haha at least he gave it his best shot AND your son loved it so really that’s all that matters right 😉

  8. Dad did a great job! Now I’m waiting for the day when my little one asks his daddy to make him scary and not some cute and cuddly cartoon character. lol!

  9. He does look like the Jokers son even the outfit fits!

  10. Hey, he did a heck of a lot better than my hubby would have. He doesn’t do artistic lol. Glad your son like it!

  11. I used makeup on my daughter and she loved it.

  12. Yeah I have to say he does resemble the Joker more so then a vampire. It is that “non instructional” thing that men suffer from.

  13. Deborah

    Scary yes, He looks a bit sad though.

  14. He’s so serious! Love the hair! 🙂

  15. Amy

    Aww! That is very reminiscent of what my son would have looked like too though if I trusted my husband with it. The art thing is not his forte.

  16. Haha he does look like the son of the Joker!

  17. As long as your son loved it, that is the most important thing. Not to mention, they probably had a wonderful time together doing it.
    Happy Halloween to y’all!

  18. You’re right! He does kinda look like the son of Joker!

  19. Your hubby wasn’t too far off the scary Batman Joker! You son is posing for the part too!

  20. I was going to say he looks like the Joker before I finished reading.

  21. Joyce@MommyTalkShow

    Very creepy. Geez! Sounds like your family had fun.
    I took a “pass” on Halloween this year since A.J. isn’t even 2 yet and doesn’t know the difference!

  22. That’s kinda what happened to my son this year lol. He still looks cute though 🙂
    Happy WW!

  23. Carolyn G

    He looks very Jokerish!!!

  24. Too funny!! Does kinda look like an off-brand Joker or something!

  25. those pictures are so hard to recreate. I tried to do a witch and couldn’t get it like on the box. His face does look really good though, super scary!

  26. That is awesome! He really does look like he could be the son of Joker!

  27. Jenny

    I remember that face paint used to itch like crazy!

  28. He looks like he’s totally in character here. I love his expression!

  29. Jason

    Your husband is a genius! That is an incredible makeup job.

    I bet it looked even better once the vampire teeth were added.

    Really, Really Good.

  30. Melissa

    This is incredible! Great job!

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