Pinkie Cooper Fashionista Dolls and Jet Set Pets
We were recently sent some dolls from Pinkie Cooper that when I took them from the package, I wondered how much daughters would like them. Then I saw how cutely dressed they were, they...
Yesterday while at Disney's Animal Kingdom my six year old daughter saw this sign.
Instead of reading the sign, she looked at the pictures and instantly knew what they were trying to tell her.
“No punching fish, Mommy. They don't like it.”
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hahahaha! So nice of her to read the sign for you 🙂
I know. Isn’t it? It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about.
That made me LOL.
Yeah I had to take a picture of the sign because it was so funny.
This literally made me laugh out loud. So funny!
Thanks for the linky! I hate we didn’t get a chance to meet at #DisneySMMoms.
I know! Maybe next year. 🙂
Kids see things in ways we just no longer can!
They do. It was so cute. She was so serious and very literal. Never occurred to her that people don’t actually punch fish.
That is the funniest no feeding sign I have ever seen LOL
I know. It is very odd. The fish definitely looks like he was punched out at the bottom.
You know, she has a point! lol
She definitely does. Nobody likes a fish puncher.
ROFL that is a good one. I love it! Kids can be quite entertaining sometimes.
She is definitely entertaining.
Now I have to find that sign! Your daughter’s interpretation is right on the money.
It is right when you walk into the park where the Black Swans are located.
haha! love her reading of it
I know. I thought that she did an excellent job of “reading the signs.”
HAHA! Smarty little girl you got there.
I know. She cracks me up!!
LOL, too cute!!
Bwah ha ha! I bet they don’t like it!
No kidding. I bet the fish hate the punching!! 🙂
LOL! I’m sure the fish don’t appreciate getting punched. Nope 😀
Yep. Not at all.
That’s too perfect! She has a point even if it’s not exactly what they intended.
She sure does!!!
Haha. So cute, and I am sure the fish are glad you did not punch them:)
I know. It was tough but we did refrain from punching them.
kids are so funny
They are!
that’s so funny..visiting from WW my entry’s here:
Thanks for stopping by.
Only punch fish if they punch first!
Or in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Them fish may eat you if you don’t punch their faces.
Ha ha. So true!
That is so cute– I love it! The fish does look a bit peeved though.
He does look peeved! Probably from all of that punching!!
Well, I’m glad she learned SOMETHING from it!
I know. Definitely a lesson learned. 🙂
lol that’s insane how funny
She’s very smart! I’m an anti-fish-puncher as well.
Visiting from Hobo Mama and Natural Parents Network!
She’s right. They really don’t like that!
The little ones seem to have their own language right? And funny that moms know EXACTLY what they are talking about! (even if not at first we do figure them out). What a sweetheart! My youngest is 11 now and not much of that innocence of the world anymore…but our lil grandkids are hilarious like this!
That’s adorable!
Love it! It looks like a punch to me, too 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
Hilarious! I love succinct kid conclusions like that. 😉
Too cute! I hope you are having a wonderful time in Disney! Enjoy the weather!
I love it! It does like that fish got punched in the eye, lol.
This is too funny
That’s hilarious 🙂
Hee Hee, too funny!
Your daughter almost got it right…and I’m pretty sure the fish don’t like getting punched…
That’s a super-awesome sign. Love it.
Out of the mouths of babes. I love how it takes us so long to see what is so simple for them.
Ya, it would probably not be good to punch fish.
LOL — looks pretty obvious to me that’s what it’s saying!
AHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! Now whenever I see a sign like that, I’ll be thinking the same thing. 😉
This sign ruined my whole plan for Disney….I wanted to go and punch fish all day long. LOL Hilarious!
Bwahahaha! I like the fish’s eyes in the second image at the bottom. No punching fish!
Way too cute!! I love the way children think…. so original . =)
gotta love the minds of kids. love that you captured the sign and the thought!!
Too funny! I can totally see why she said it though! I think they need to work on their signs a little!
the fish appreciate her thoughtfulness!
Cutest thing ever!! Kids say the funniest things!!
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aww to cute………yes, please don’t punch the fush! LOL
LOL too cute…….and yes, please don’t punch the fish!!
She has a point, in the picutre it does look like it could be a punching hand!!
Smart cookie 😉
HAHA well it does kind of look that!
ahahah that cracks me up! so cute!
Too funny! Well that IS what it looks like. 🙂
LOL That’s awesome! I want that sign for my house. It reminds me of a Modern Family episode.
HA! That is actually a sign they might need 🙂 No punching, hitting or feeding the fish. Dont touch the fish. Leave the fish alone 🙂
It does look like no puching the fish!
That is so cute! No punching! LOL
LOL! Kids say the most hilarious things!
LOL thats hilarious!
I laughed OUT LOUD at that. LOL. Oh, thank goodness for funny kids.
How funny! Kids say the darndest things.
LMAO that is hilarious!
awesome sign!!!!!!!!!!! lololol!!!
Love it!
Hehehe very funny…
LMAO love it!
They most definitely do NOT like to be punched. 😉
Oh that is too funny!!
Just stopping by to say hi and thank you for letting me add my giveaway to your site…
Sincerely Rachel
That is hilarious! It’s too funny how kids interpret pictures!
That is so cute! I love the things kids say. They have such an unaffected innocent view of the world. No punching fish for sure!
Love the sign – I never would have caught that….LOL
That is AWESOME! Punching fish! I would have dies laughing but she is so right. That’s exactly what it looks like!
That is a hilarious sign!
I am stopping by from I ♥ Blogging, just wanted to say thank you for joining our hop!
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what a little smarty! she is absolutely correct! I don’t like to be punched either. thanks for the prayers for my grandson, too.
Haha, that’s adorable
GREAT post! Aren’t kids great! I just love how they see and interpret the world, and I love watching them as they try to ‘decode it’.
Thank you for sharing this!
punching fish in the face apparently makes their lower jaw fall off and their eyes turn to xxx’s. poor things.
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