Wordless Wednesday Lake Lanier Georgia - Divine Lifestyle
Just For Fun

Wordless Wednesday Lake Lanier Georgia

We spent the day at Lake Lanier this past weekend. I have several Groupons for the boat rentals making them a fabulous deal. Add an intertube rental and everyone has a fun day.

The highlight of the trip might have been my youngest getting up enough courage to do this (above are her big brother and big sister watching):

Boy, was she ever proud of herself:

She shared a great hug with Daddy:

Then she decided it was time to drive the boat:

Someone was being a little silly:


"You jump." "No, you jump." "You jump." "No, you jump." "Ok together."


For more inspiring photos, check out:

The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers,

Not Your Momblog, High Impact Mom, Colorado Moms,

Rajean Blomquist, BrainFoggles, Zensible Mama & Rachel Ferrucci

and link your own photo stories

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48 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. What fun! We haven’t been up there in a while but need to visit. Your kiddos are adorable!

  2. that looks so fun! it has already been to cold here to even walk in water around here in southern WI!
    way to early….

  3. It looks like your family had a wonderful day. Great photos! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. That looks like such an incredible day! Now I wish we had a boat (or knew someone who wanted to invite us on theirs…)

  5. Stephan Hilson

    I haven’t been to Lake Lanier so it seems nice to see the fine waters and how much fun the kids have at that time. Groupons definitely useful for making a good deal for boat rentals. It seems the kids enjoyed the day very well based on the pictures. The girl, who drives the boat in the photo, has a nice smile.

  6. Ali

    It looks like you had a great time!

  7. It looks like everyone had so much fun. BTW… you are the Groupon/discount/daily deal queen of all time.

  8. That’s family time if I’ve ever seen it.

  9. Those are beautiful pictures, Stace!

    I am so sad I missed it though : (

  10. I really like that pic of her driving the boat – look at that cute little smirk!

  11. What fun pics!!!You can tell it was a day she loved!

  12. What great photos! We’ve never made it down to Lake Lanier, but it looks like we need to change that.

  13. Beautiful photos! Looks like you had a blast!

  14. BalancingMama (Julie)

    That looks like fun! We’ll have to try that next year.

  15. what a wonderful day ya’ll had! and what a beautiful family YOU have!

  16. Ashley McLure

    Looks like you guys had a blast! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Wow! It looks like you had such a great time! I love that they put some of their fears behind them!

  18. Joyce@MommyTalkShow

    Love to see families enjoying the water. My husband went to college in Hawaii and I’d love to take him back there someday so he can show A.J. how to surf!

  19. Devan @ Accustomed Chaos

    Looks like you all had so much fun!! I didnt get to the water this summer – fingers crossed for next year!

  20. Beth

    Looks like fun! Love intertubing!

  21. Stacey Nerdin @ Tree, Root, and Twig

    Wow – they’re so adventurous! That’s awesome!!

  22. Dee

    You got some really fun shots! πŸ™‚

  23. Looks like you had a great day! Gorgeous pics!

  24. Ann at Mundane Magic

    That looks like such a great family day…love the intertube photo where she is holding tight. Too cute!

  25. What a wonderful way to bring in the end of summer!!!

  26. Wow!! Gorgeous photos! My hubby wants a boat so bad and your photos make me almost want to agree with him!

  27. Great pictures, Stacie! Looks like you guys had a great time! I can’t imagine a better way to say goodbye to summer than a trip to the lake. Your youngest girl is soo brave!

  28. I wish I lived on a lake and had a boat, sadly up here the boat season isn’t that long but to be able to go play whenever would be so nice!

  29. It looks like an absolutely beautiful day! That’s cool that you’ve been Abel to get good deals enough groupon, I wish they would have group ins here like that!

  30. Xmasdolly

    What wonderful pictures, and that one talk about Daddy’s little girl! What fun!!! Thanks for sharing.

  31. Deborah

    She was pretty brave. Lovely family summer photos!

  32. Sam

    Great pictures! It looks like they had a lot of fun.

  33. Looks like a great weekend with some amazing memories. Your daughter is adorable and such a brave little girl!

  34. Wow, lots of great photos of the memories you made!

    Neat collage too!

  35. Kenda

    Seing great photos like this makes me wish we still had warm weather here!

  36. The kids look like they were having a blast!

  37. Oh wow that looks like such a fun time!

  38. Tubing is so fun, and I like the fact it takes no talent, unlike waterskiing

  39. Carolyn G

    How fun! And I will say ti again, your kids are beautiful!

  40. Looks like you guys were having a blast!

  41. That looks like such a fun day!

  42. Stunning photos. The colors sure do jump out beautifully.

  43. Beautiful photos! I need to pay more attention to Groupon for family fun. I’ve been purposely ignoring them because I didn’t want to be encouraged to spend money, lol.

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