Wordless Wednesday – My Baby Loves Dora!
I found these pictures the other day while going through the pics on my husband's cellphone. This is from the trip that we took last October to the Nick Hotel in Orlando. My daughter...
Last Friday, we celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary.
My husband did a fabulous job this year. He sent me flowers for three days up until our anniversary.
His plan was to give me a small bouquet of flowers the first day, a larger one the next day and then two dozen roses on our anniversary. The flower delivery service messed that up a little but the flowers are all beautiful!
Happy Anniversary Jason!
For more inspiring photos, check out:
The Bonafide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers,
Not Your Momblog, High Impact Mom, Colorado Moms, Resourceful Mom
Rajean Blomquist, BrainFoggles, Zensible Mama & Rachel Ferrucci
and link your own photo stories
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Happy anniversary to you and your hubby! Those flowers are beautiful!
Happy Anniversary to you and Jason! BTW–meant to ask you something about that LOL. Will have to ask you on our next 2 hour phone chat ; )
Happy anniversary!!! My husband and I celebrated 4 years on the 13th. 🙂
Happy Anniversary to you!
Those are all beautiful. What a great guy.
What a sweet hubby 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
Beautiful and thoughtful too! Maybe he can work with my hubby to get him up to speed. 😉
Happy anniversary! Can your husband call my husband to remind him how much flowers mean and how much I miss seeing them 😀
The idea a lone is the sweetest!!
Oh wow those are amazing! The colors are so bold. I love Lillies
Absolutely Beautiful!
Happy anniversary…gorgeous flowers! I’m linking up with you for the first time 🙂 I’m your newest follower and would love for you to follow back!
Happy anniversary!!!! Pretty flowers!
They are gorgeous!! Happy Anniversary!
Beautiful flowers. Happy belated anniversary!
Those flowers are beautiful!
Those are some stunning flowers! Happy Anniversary!
Beautiful flowers.
Happy Anniversary! What a sweet hubby you have!
How thoughtful of hubby! I have a good one too. he ‘sometimes’ will bring some home for no reason. he is the romantic one in the marriage 😉 Congratulations on 11 years!
I love some pretty flowers 🙂
Happy WW!
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. I don’t think you can ever have too many fresh flowers, especially from those whom you love. He done good. Happy Anniversary!
Very romantic. My husband forgets our anniversary every year even with reminders.
How incredibly sweet of your husband! Happy belated Anniversary Stacie
Congratulations!! Happy Anniversay!!
happy anniversary!
Those are so pretty! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary chicka! Love the flowers!
Hi Stacie,
What beautiful flowers! And what a thoughtful and loving husband. You are one lucky lady. Congratulations on reaching your 11th year and having a happy anniversary. I wish you both lasting bliss in your relationship.
Have a wonderful day!
How beautiful, happy anniversary
Happy anniversary! Those flowers are so pretty.
That is so sweet of your husband. I truly admire him for making an effort on makin your anniversary feel special. The flowers look beautiful. I am so happy for you. Belated happy anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!!! 🙂