What Would You Do Over in Your Life? - Divine Lifestyle

What Would You Do Over in Your Life?

I went to Catholic school in Michigan all the way through 7th grade until I moved to St. Louis. I was kind of a chubby kid and I came from a family that did not have a lot of money. Even though we all wore uniforms, there were still designer label navy blue pants and white shirts. I didn't have any of that. At the time, I noticed and was very self conscious.

Something happened to me during the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I grew a few inches, I slimmed down a lot and gained a lot of confidence at summer camp. I went to an end of summer party with my old Catholic school pals just before moving and most people didn't recognize me at first. They couldn't believe the transformation. I really did look different. I acted different.

The boy who was never interested in me during all those year suddenly spent two hours talking to me. I was on a high. At that point in my life, I was sad to be moving to another state and I wished for nothing more than a ‘do over.' I wanted the chance to go through 7th grade again with my newfound self. Why couldn't I just have a do over? My life would be so much better. Wouldn't it?

I was so tickled (yeah, that is my mother's word but accurately described) to read Do Over by Robin Hemley. What a story.

Do-Over!: In which a forty-eight-year-old father of three returns to kindergarten, summer camp, the prom, and other embarrassments

“Robin Hemley's childhood made a wedgie of his memory, leaving him sore and embarrassed for over forty years. He was the most pitiful kindergartner, the least spirited summer camper, and dateless for prom. In fact, there's nary an event from his youth that couldn't use improvement. If only he could do them all over a few decades later, with an adult's wisdom, perspective, and giant-like height…

In the spirit of cult film classics like Billy Madison and Wet Hot American Summer, in DO-OVER! Hemley reencounters paper mache, revisits his childhood home, and finally attends the prom–bringing readers the thrill of recapturing a misspent youth and discovering what's most important: simple pleasures, second chances, and the forgotten joys of recess.”

I loved this book. It was a fun read and for anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a little bullying, not gotten asked to prom by that person you just knew would ask or always roots for the underdog, you have the chance to live vicariously through Robin as he goes back to re-do things the way that he wanted them done the first time.

If you are someone that has ever wanted a ‘do over' or the chance to set things straight, then this is the book for you.

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40 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Nicole Feliciano

    I’d add another month to our honeymoon in europe! And I love book giveaways. This month I am doing four on my site. Here is a link to one:


  2. tina reynolds

    my wedding we got married at the court house cause we were strapped for cash thanks eaglesforjack@gmail.com

  3. tina reynolds

    i follow your blog thanks

  4. bridget3420

    I would have finished college

  5. bridget3420

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    Technorati favorite – bridget3420

  8. Kitten22

    This looks great! Please enter me!

    I’d redo all of high school with better hair! šŸ™‚

    BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com

  9. Kitten22

    I’m a subscriber (through Google Reader).

    BookcrossingKitten22 AT gmail DOT com

  10. Jenny Martin

    I would have not moved into my own apartment my jr year of college–I would have stayed in the dorm and probably stayed in school

  11. Jenny Martin

    I entered the 10 Summer Reading tips-1

  12. Jenny Martin

    I entered the 10 Summer Reading tips-2

  13. Jenny Martin

    I entered the 10 Summer Reading tips-3

  14. Jenny Martin

    I entered the 10 Summer Reading tips-4

  15. Jenny Martin

    I entered the 10 Summer Reading tips-5

  16. Jodi

    I would help plan our honeymoon instead of leaving it up to my husband.

  17. Amanda

    I’d like to re-do college… I should have had much more fun.
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  18. Amanda

    I follow your blog.
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  19. Amanda

    I faved you on technorati.
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com


  20. Christine

    I should have taken better care of myself. Thanks!

  21. Christine

    I am a follower. Thanks!

  22. Christine

    I am a subscriber. Thanks!

  23. Christine

    I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips #1

  24. Christine

    I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips #2

  25. Christine

    I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips #3

  26. Christine

    I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips #4

  27. Christine

    I entered 10 Summer Reading Tips #5

  28. Stephanie

    I would do my freshman year of college over again. Beer would not be in the equation the second time around.

  29. Jan

    It would have been a very tough sell with my parents, but I regret not enlisting in the service after high school.

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