Raising Avid Readers with the Kindle & Scripps Spelling Bee
Raising Avid Readers with the Kindle & Scripps Spelling Bee Raising avid readers is one of my main goals as a mother. I want my kids to want to read. I want them to...
I did some things as a teenager that I am not so proud of. I did drink when I was underage. I might have smoked pot. I did sneak out of my house more than once. But mostly I worried the heck out of my parents. Like I said I am not proud of myself but what these things did was prepare me well as a parent.
By preparation I mean that there probably aren't a lot of things that my children are going to get away with. It just won't happen. I am tech savvy as my children (right now anyway) and for the rest, I have things like Touch&Know®.
With drugs these days, there is such an unknown factor that kids think that they are getting one thing when they might be getting another. Drugs are not regulated so you never know truly what is in them unless you test them.
Touch&Know® is the new home drug identification test kit used by law enforcement the world over and is the first-of-its- kind available at retail.
The Touch&Know® product is 99% accurate, 100% safe,and does not require any contact with the substance plus results are immediate. In fact, only a VERY small amount of substance is needed with no urine or hair required.
The Touch&Know® test will enable you to positively identify the presence of Crack/Cocaine and the general presence of Brown Heroin and/or 18 other illegal or controlled drugs, including: White Heroin, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine (powder), Ecstacy/MDMA, Methadone, Ketamine, PCP, PMA, DMT, MDPV, Mephedrone, PMMA, mCCP, MPA, Buphedron, MDPBP, Cathinone, MethCathinone, Methylone, and Marijuana/Hashish.
Did you know that urine tests can be easily cheated? There are many online sources of information of how to cheat. In addition, urine tests do not test for as many drugs as the most advanced test screens for 12, compared to Touch&Know® at 22.
Hair tests require a hair sampling of at least 90-120 hairs, roughly the diameter of a pencil, from against the scalp or root in order to get results for current usage. If the hair is fine, more hair may be needed. They require a lab to read and can take weeks to provide your results.
While Touch&Know® allows you to test the substance, not the relationship, it by no means is meant to be a replacement for talking to your children about drugs. Instead, our hope is it will be a tool to avoid unneeded conflict, or to skip the drama and denial and get to acceptance, action, and healing!
This video shows how easy it is to test with Touch&Know® and give you the power to know.
Did you know that drugs can pretty much be hidden anywhere in a home?
As a parent, we have the right to know what our children are doing at all times. We don't run a democracy. Instead we are charged with giving our children the best, most stable upbringing. I will do whatever it takes to make certain that my children stay on the straight and narrow path while they are in my care. And if this includes random drug testing of my own children…trust me…this will indeed happen.
Touch&Know® is exclusively available at Walgreens and retails for 19.99*. There will be an in-store coupon in June at Walgreens for $3 off!
*Prices may vary based on store location.
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Hi Des,
My name is Anna and I am with Touch&Know. The product does allow for you to test even small amounts of the substance, a nanogram, even if mixed with other substances. For example, as drugs find their way into edibles, it would still work. Also, most parents assume they would know what a drug looks like, but are woefully uneducated when it comes to actual types and trends. We had a woman who’s son told her something she found was sand for his little sister’s school assignment, and it turned out to be brown heroine. She said she had no idea. Another dad this past week tested his son’s e-cigarette and found that traces of heroin were present. We do have several other products in development, so stay tuned! Thank you for your interest!
So if it just needs a teeny bit, and can be in edibles, could it be found in saliva? I’m thinking about um… well, how maybe we were and I didn’t ever have naughty stuff at home. I’d come home AFTER partaking …or my siblings did. So I’d want to be able to maybe swab their mouth or something and see. Is that possible, or down the pike?
Hopefully, fingers and toes crossed, I will never need to use this when my kids are teens, but it’s nice to know something like this is out there, just in case.
The difficult part here is that you’ll have to have the actual substance to test to see whatever drug your kid is using. I just don’t see that as likely. Now, I suppose if you wanted to tell your child before they take a drug they should test it to make sure it’s the drug they think they’re taking, it could be helpful, but I really don’t want my kid taking a drug, you know? Wish this could be tweaked so that it told you if they’ve used a drug without requiring the actual drug (because then you already have your answer, right?). Maybe this company already has it…if not, I hope they’re developing such a thing. That would be very helpful.
Wow! What a great product! I will def keep this in mind for when my little guys are older. There will be zero toleration in our home.
Hopefully I never have to use one of these, but that’s awesome they’re so easily available nowadays!
Thank you for this post. I have a history of diabetes in my family… and even though I hope and pray I don’t ever have to use one of these… it is nice to know that these products have come a long way over the years. 🙂
My kids are teens and I am happy to say that we have a great relationship. Communication is key when your kids are that age. It is good to know there is a product like this available.
Neat those are available for the public now. My kids are still little… so I have a hard time thinking that far ahead. I hope I never have want to use them.
Holy COW I had no idea you’d need that much hair to test! This is definitely a better option!
Wow – that can detect a lot, and it seems pretty easy, too. I am glad those tests are available – if only for the scare factor.
WOW! I have to show my aunt this!!! Well, and every other mother of teens out there! You cannot assume your child won’t try drugs!!!
Wow, this is really interesting. My Husband is law enforcement and I am always amazed at the things they come across. So cool that parents can now check on their own
This is so awesome. I will definitely get this when my kids are older, ha!
Hope I won’t ever need one of these, but it is good to know that it exists!
My son is too young now, and I sure hope I never have need for it, but it is nice to know that it is available. And wow, to the amount of hair you need.
Now that is a very awesome product, not only for parents in dealing with their kids but for people who want to be more aware in general! Whoever created this was definitely thinking about taking matters into their own hands.
I think where this may really help is when a kid just has something silly in their belongings that look suspicious. We can save the confrontations for other stuff that they are actually doing wrong.
Obviously none of us wants to be in a position to not trust our children – but it happens. This is a great tool to help you know for sure.
Dude, I was such a bad girl myself. My kids couldn’t have gotten away with anything if they tried. The worst that ever happened is that my daughter snuck out of her friend’s house on a sleepover and walked to the park behind her house in the middle of the night. I totally caught her. My game is way better than hers. lol
I had never heard of this before this would be good for families with teenagers.