Starbucks Find the Roast You Love Most
Do you often find yourself wandering around the grocery store – even with a shopping list in hand?
Did you know? After approximately 60 seconds in the grocery coffee aisle, 1 in every 4 shoppers leaves without making a purchase because they either can’t find what they’re looking for, or the coffee selections just don’t make sense to them.
Earlier this year, Starbuck launched new that organizes Starbucks coffees by roast – including new Starbucks® Blonde Roast – to make shopping for coffee easier. In addition to Starbucks Medium and Dark Roast coffees, the new Blonde Roast meets the needs of the 54 million coffee drinkers in the U.S. who prefer a lighter-bodied, mellow coffee.

I am excited to share the Starbucks “Find the Roast You Love Most” Sweepstakes to encourage coffee-lovers to explore the full Starbucks Roast Spectrum. Through April 30, customers can enter online to win a trip to Seattle – home of Starbucks – for the winner and three friends, including a personal coffee cupping experience with a Starbucks Coffee Master and coffee-fueled local fun.
For more information and to enter, visit:
One lucky reader will win a Starbucks Tasting Kit. Tasting kits includes a Starbucks Card, coffee press, coffee scoop, coffee passport booklet, and three coffee samples from Starbucks Roast Spectrum.
To enter, tell me about one your Starbucks coffee moments and which roast YOU love most! Are you subtle and mellow, smooth and balanced, or bold and robust? For instance, I love Starbucks just before I head to the carpool line in the afternoon and I am definitely bold and robust. Leave your answer(s) as a comment below as your first, mandatory entry. Comment must be relevant and make sense. If you cut and paste another entry on this blog, your entry will not count.
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Giveaway ends 04/30/12 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are my own.
I always get so overwhelmed when I go to Starbucks! I like a medium roast with lots of creamer.
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i love going for a chai tea, the flavor I like most is subtle and mellow
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Definitely like the mellow and subtle roasts. I go to Starbucks every single day for my fraps. They are the best!
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I am not able to drink too much coffee – but I do love the pumpkin drinks they have in the fall!
Love the mellow and subtle roasts. It’s always a treat going to a starbucks.
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I love a medium roast Starbucks coffee. My favorite Starbucks memory is going with my girlfriend and spending 2 hours just visiting. Sometimes mommies and wives need that time away just to talk.
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I love to start my day with a cup or two, or maybe three of coffee.I would say I am subtle and mellow, especially first thing in the morning.
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I love their skim milk late with a sprinkle of cinnamon first thing in the morning in my office.
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Starbucks is the highlight of my mornings~love the Dark Roast!
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I definitely love medium the most!
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I like to grab a Starbucks when I head to Target. That way I have something soothing while I have to get groceries and whatnot! And I love a deep, dark roast, so my fave is the Espresso Roast, and I get it with a caramel shot! YuM!
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I love Starbucks in the morning after I drop my daughter off at school. Then it’s to Starbucks and then home to read the newspaper with my Mocha. My favorite roast Starbucks Coffee is the Caffè Verona. It is a nice bold coffee. 🙂
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I like subtle and mellow when relaxing with a good book.
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I love Starbucks first thing in the morning, which is why I’m happy Starbucks K-Cups are available. I’m Lively & Balanced!
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I love treating myself to a coffee or chai latte from Starbucks when I don’t have the kids with me. I like a bold and robust blend of coffee. One of my faves is Pike’s Place.
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