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Upcycled Peacock Craft 5

Upcycled Peacock K Cup Crafts

Upcycled Peacock K Cup Crafts We are recyclers in this family. We always have been. We try to recycle or reuse everything that we can in this house. If you look around our home,...

Snack Pack Gummy Worms 7

Halloween Fun with Snack Pack

Halloween Fun with Snack Pack® #SpoonfulOfFun Halloween is our favorite time of year. We spend months and months planning costumes and décor. Then once the first of October hits, we spend hours decorating our...

High School 2

Building the Perfect High School

This is a sponsored post with XQ: The Super School Project through MODE Media. #RethinkHighSchool From the moment I found out I was pregnant I immediately became concerned about schooling and the educational system....