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Smarter Snacking with Dino Buddies

This Smarter Snacking with Dino Buddies #YummyDinoBuddies #BackToRoutine #SnackHack post sponsored by Mirum. Opinions are 100% my own. Smarter Snacking with Dino Buddies #YummyDinoBuddies #BackToRoutine #SnackHack Now that school is in full swing, our house...

Health and Wellness Goals

Health and Wellness Goals As a mother, my health and wellness is not something I have taken into account for the longest time. I mean it mattered, but I was raising three human beings...

How to Alkalize the Body

You've probably seen or heard people drinking alkaline water. But do you know why they do it or if it would work for you? Alkalizing the body means the “pH of your body is...

How to Make Car Smell Fresh

How to Make Car Smell Fresh I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that certain scents can trigger childhood or other positive memories. For instance, certain food smells...

DIY Open Shelving Kitchen

DIY Open Shelving Kitchen The kitchen has been on our list for a redo from the second we moved into this house. We have the original 1968 kitchen complete with an avocado green sink...

Benefits of Rosewater

Benefits of Rosewater If you have never used Rosewater or Rose Water (the first is correct but both spellings are used on Google) then you are missing out. Rosewater has so many outstanding benefits...

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How to Make Hair Softer

Let's face it, for most women, our hair is one of our most important features. We cut it, dye it, style it and so much more. After all of the things we do to...