Emani Minerals Love Collection
Emani Minerals Love Collection DID YOU KNOW? On average, American women use 12 personal care products per day which exposes them to up to 126 unique chemical ingredients on a daily basis. Skin is…a...
Did you know that more than 70 percent of Americans do not reapply sunscreen when they are outdoors for long periods of time?
Summer is coming and for my family that means a lot of time at the pool and the beach. We belong to the Y where we swim and then we are also part of a community pool where all three children are on the swim team.
Protection from the sun is extremely important to me and my husband. We make certain that our children never step outside without sunscreen and wearing other protective items like hats, etc. I worry about sunburn and since I have experienced them myself, I never want my kids to go through that.
Our favorite things to do in the summer are to go jump in the pool and to have a day of fun (or two or three) at the lake. We rent a boat and hang out all day. Everyone loves it!
We are using NEUTROGENA® Wet Skin Kids Sunscreen with Helioplex this year.
Neutrogena is the #1 Dermatologist Recommended brand.
Being at the pool, beach or in humid climates make applying sunscreen difficult since ordinary sunscreen drips and whitens under wet conditions. NEUTROGENA® Wet Skin Sunscreen with Helioplex is the first line of sunscreen specially formulated to be applied to wet skin.
This product features Helioplex®, a breadth of stabilized sunscreen technologies that delivers superior protection from the sun.
Kids never sit still long enough to dry off, but new Wet Skin Kids promises full strength sun protection even on wet skin. Wet Skin Kids Sunscreen provides broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and mists right on for protection from the sun's harsh rays. It's the quickest way to fully protect your kids when they're in and out of the water:
Available in Wet Skin Kids Spray SPF 70, Wet Skin Kids Stick SPF 70+, Wet Skin Adult Spray 30, 50, 85
For more information regarding Neutrogena, # 1 Dermatologist Recommended, and Wet Skin Kids sunscreen please visit http://www.neutrogena.com/home.do
You can enter the Neutrogena Summer of Splash Contest. Simply capture and upload to Instagram one (1) photo of your child/children between the ages of 3-10 years old enjoying the pool or beach, including the hashtags #SummerOfSplash and #Contest in the description to receive one (1) entry.
There are (3) ways to enter:
1) Facebook: During the Contest Period, visit www.facebook.com/parentsmagazine (link located in TI program dashboard) click on the #SummerofSplash Contest tab and follow the instructions
2) Instagram: Capture and upload and/or tweet to Instagram one (1) photo of your child/children between the ages of 3-10 years old enjoying the pool or beach, including the hashtags #SummerOfSplash and #Contest in the description to receive one (1) entry
3) Twitter: Post a photo of your child/children (ages 3-10 years old) you must include the hashtags #SummerOfSplash and #Contest in your tweet to receive one (1) entry
Good luck!
WINNER DETERMINATION: On or about June 21st, 2015 all eligible Entries received by Sponsor during the Contest entry period will be judged by a panel of qualified judges based on the following criteria: (25%) creativity/originality, (25%) entertainment value, (25%) quality of photo, and (25%) relevance of photo to subject matter (“Judging Criteria”). The one (1) Entry with the highest total score will be deemed the potential winner. In the event of a tie, an additional, “tie-breaking” judge will determine the potential winner based on highest entertainment value of the photo.
For complete contest details please review the Official Rules
This post is sponsored by NEUTROGENA®. I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my viewers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. Some of the products mentioned were provided by NEUTROGENA® for this review.