Wordless Wednesday – Fun at Nickelodeon Suites with LINKY
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I am ignoring my husband as he tries for about the hundredth time to explain the flaw in the logic of the movie The Terminator. I don't give a crap besides I have heard enough of this story that I know what his theory is.
Still as he tries to explain it to me for seriously the hundredth time, he looks at me in the middle of talking and says, “You know what I mean?” And I in yet another, most likely vain attempt to get him to stop telling me this story say to him, “Honey, really I am not listening. I didn't want to hurt your feelings.” Now he is not speaking to me.
Ok wait, UPDATE UPDATE – he just read this over my shoulder and yelled, “YOU WEREN'T EVEN TRYING TO LISTEN” and then launches yet again into the story. So I start yelling “PLEASE NOOOOOO. PLEASE NOOOOOO.”
He will not stop yapping. Good God.
But damn in the middle of all this I think to myself that his bizarre movie conspiracy theories cracked me up from the moment that I met up. Who thinks about crap like this that much? When I realized that I did too, I knew that I would marry him. That was only two weeks after I met him and that was over twelve years ago.
P.S. We are watching The Terminator right now and I am covering my eyes over the nasty eyeball scene and husband is laughing.
P.P.S. He just asked me to type that he would be very interested in having me type up his Terminator flaw thing.
P.P.P.S Did you know that there was supposedly a catch phrase from this movie besides the Arnold one? I had no clue. I just saw that part too!
LOL I can just see you, now, with your fingers in your ears, rocking back and forth and singing, ‘LA LA LA . . . LA LA LA’ at the top of your lungs trying to drown him out.
Isn’t it weird how the things that initially attracted us to our hubbies can quickly turn into things that annoy us?
Great job, though, in stepping back to put things in perspective.
I say go ahead and blog his Terminator theories. Your readers don’t have to live with it, and can walk away any time. LOL :oP
I forgot to say that I re-added your button to my blog. I lost it earlier in a blogger mishap. You’re Baaaack! YAY!
There’s another catch phrase from that movie?!?!?!?!
That was so hilarious – you sound like my hubby and me. We married after a year of being together but knew nearly from about two weeks of dating we were meant to be!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Hi there.
I’m commenting everyone who signed up for the comment challenge to see if you would be interested in doing it again in June. Simply comment my back to let me know- http://iamharriet.blogspot.com.
ps. Your preaching to the choir in this post…
Oh you too, being tortured with the whole Terminator thing? I am SO SICK of the movies!
WOW your “This is how I Roll” section is very impressive! I’m not going to lie… I’m a little jealous 🙂
Anyway YES I love her straps… everyone I know who gets one always has only good things to say about them. Which one did you end up buying? I can never choose which one to get… she told me she’d make me one or two but I just can’t narrow it down… I want ALL of them 🙂
Okay. I will count my blessings tonight! My DH and I would not be having this conversation! And if we were….well….my fingers would be in my ears as well!
I cannot remember the last movie that my wife and I saw – perhaps 4 or five years ago????
we hardly watch TV – maybe one or two shows a week – maybe –
somehow I remember the days when a movie came out and it seemed like it was expected that people go see the movie just because it came out and well you wanted to keep up with things – not necessary at all –
enjoy the moments you have together with each other and if you have to do something related to the movies – write one about your beautiful ives together – 🙂
I cannot remember the last movie that my wife and I saw – perhaps 4 or five years ago????
we hardly watch TV – maybe one or two shows a week – maybe –
somehow I remember the days when a movie came out and it seemed like it was expected that people go see the movie just because it came out and well you wanted to keep up with things – not necessary at all –
enjoy the moments you have together with each other and if you have to do something related to the movies – write one about your beautiful ives together – 🙂
I cannot remember the last movie that my wife and I saw – perhaps 4 or five years ago????
we hardly watch TV – maybe one or two shows a week – maybe –
somehow I remember the days when a movie came out and it seemed like it was expected that people go see the movie just because it came out and well you wanted to keep up with things – not necessary at all –
enjoy the moments you have together with each other and if you have to do something related to the movies – write one about your beautiful ives together – 🙂
lol You’re hilarious.
At least you only have your hubby interested in Terminator, try hubby and 2 sons who constantly talk about Terminator all the time and now have to watch that stupid Terminator series, URGHHHHH! Stopping by from Blog-Link-A-Thon.
Ooooh I want to know the flaw in the movie! Tell me, tell me. What is another catch phrase from the movie that wasn’t Arnolds? I just watched all four so I’m excited to know.
p.s. It was my husband that convinced me to watch them all last week and now I’m hooked…I can’t wait for the next. (At least, I hope there’s another one.
Loved this post as we were just watching the Making of Terminator: Salvation. Well low and behold he starts going on about a character in the first one and I keep telling him I don’t know who he is. The whole time he’s saying the actors real name when I’m thinking of characters name. He was raising his voice in disgust that I didn’t know who he was talking about when he suddenly realized it was him who was in error. 🙂
Men are silly creatures.
Ahh the Terminator phase, I remember it well. You know normally sane males will watch them over & over? They will watch them in bits & peices , they will watch them iwhile laying on the couch sleeping and dont you dare change the channel- it wakes them up, they will watch them in a marathon if they can get away with laying around that long.
I think there are subliminal man messages in there.