With its announcement of DISNEY INFINITY, the Disney corporation is making full use of its veritable mountains of characters, worlds and franchises. In its new game, it brings them all together. THE BASICS...
I have been a reader since the age of 3. Once I started I never stopped. Much of my childhood was spent with my nose in a book and now although I have switched to an electronic reader for the most part, I still love cracking open a book every once in a while.
I read every single day even if it is only for a few minutes. It is my belief and that of my husband that we lead by example. If our children see us reading and enjoying books, then they will do the same.
I get a secret thrill every single time I see my children with their nose in a book. It makes me excited that they are opening up completely new worlds simply by opening a book.
The goal in my house is 20 minutes per day. Everyone needs to read for 20 minutes a day. However, we surpass that goal on a daily basis.
“Studies show that the more children read, the better readers they become. In one study, children who read 20 or more minutes per day scored in or above the 90th percentile; those who read less than 10 minutes scored below the 75th percentile.*
…Children who are actively engaged as they read—thinking about what they are reading versus looking passively at the words on the page—have been shown to regularly outperform children who are less engaged in what they are reading.”
In honor of Reading Month, LeapFrog is donating $2 million of books to America’s schools, and you can help! Go to Facebook and share the “Read 20
Minutes a Day” pledge (http://www.facebook.com/leapfrog), and LeapFrog will donate 5 books for every pledge!
LeapFrog is raising awareness of the importance of reading with your child 20 minutes a day to help kids reach their potential. Discover how to keep your little learner engaged in reading on LeapFrog’s Reading Month page, where you can get tips, videos, activities, and printables!
Designed for children ages four to eight, the Tag Reading System uses touch technology to engage children and bring reading to life. Each touch to the pages of specially printed storybooks, puzzles, maps and more triggers audio responses that support and surprise-engaging children's senses to make reading-and learning-a rich, fulfilling experience. Winner of 55+ awards worldwide, the Tag system holds audio for up to 10 titles at a time from a vast library featuring characters from favorite TV, movie and classic tales.
The Tag Reader has been a part of our family since it first came out. All three of my children have loved and used their Tag Reader's. My youngest still uses hers a lot. We are big fans.
LeapFrog is offering special deals on reading products all through March, in honor of Reading Month, including $3 off of Tag and Tag Junior books. Here’s the link to print/redeem this offer: $3 off Tag products
One lucky reader of The Divine Miss Mommy will win a LeapFrog Prize pack consisting of: Tag Leap and the Lost Dinosaur, Tag Get Ready for Kindergarten, Tag Junior Toddler Milestones, Tag Junior Animals Around the World. ARV $50. To enter,
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Follow @StacieinAtlanta on Twitter (that’s me!) Tweet about the contest (up to 4 X per day – Subscribers can tweet every 2 hours or 12 X per day). Tweet MUST have the giveaway item, the word giveaway in the tweet and a link to this post along with @StacieinAtlanta in it. You must have at least 100 followers and your Twitter account must be a public account (no protected Tweets).
Giveaway ends 3/29/13 at 11:59 PM EST. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. All entries must be properly recorded in the comments to count (i.e. Link to tweets, Facebook page, etc). Winner will be notified via email and has 24 hours to respond. If winner does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and notified.
I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective but content and opinions expressed here are my own. To take the LeapFrog Reading Month pledge, please visit their Facebook page. #LFReadingMonth #spon
We read with our sons daily and created a book area in their rooms to encourage them to enjoy reading.
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We have our daughter read to us each night before we read a book to her.
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My son loves reading books to himself and we always read at leat 2 books before bedtime!
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