JetBlue’s Soar with Reading & the Magic Tree House

I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for JetBlue. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
My kids are really enjoying the Magic Tree House books from Mary Pope Osborne. I started reading them to my son years ago and he began reading them as soon as he could read. All three of my kids now read the Magic Tree House books so we have accumulated quite a library.
What I really love is how the books cause my children to use their imagination more and more. We are on a road trip right now and each child brought two Magic Tree House books. The great thing is that they can swap when they are finished.
My son loves A Crazy Day with Cobras the most because of the story involving cobras, an Indian desert and spells. He has read the book over and over.
Both of my daughters reading Carnival at Candlelight and 34 Season of the Sandstorms. They both love books about travel. Jack and Annie travel to Venice and Baghdad respectively in these two books plus there is a lesson about using magic wisely. They plan to read the next books in the series.
Al three children have a lengthy book reading list this summer and the Magic Tree House books are on there time and time again. Our entire family understands the importance of reading and I am glad that my children enjoy it as well.

JetBlue’s Soar with Reading initiative is in support of donating books to kids in need. You can visit JetBlue Soar with Reading site to enter a guess as to where Jack and Annie are going next. Where do you think it will be?
Help JetBlue donate $500,000 worth of Magic Tree House books to kids in need by guessing where Jack and Annie are traveling. Your guess will trigger a book donation and as a thank-you, you can enter the Soar With Reading sweepstakes for the chance to win fun prizes.
JetBlue will be awarding six first-prize trips throughout the summer, which will include a JetBlue Getaways Travel Certificate for two and an autographed copy of Magic Tree House #52: Soccer on Sunday.
There will also be a grand-prize drawing, with first prize being a JetBlue Getaways vacation for up to four people and a Magic Tree House boxed set of books. Second prizes, which include a Magic Tree House boxed set, will also be awarded.
You can enter once a day, all summer long—so keep guessing where Jack and Annie are traveling on their reading adventures!
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Anytime I have ever flown Jet Blue I have always had a pleasant evperience.
Great program, I’m going to check it out.
I love JetBlue they are the only airline I fly with! No one can beat their prices either.
I haven’t used them in awhile but this is a great program.