Why? & Welcome! - I have joined the Sisterhood of the Mommy Bloggers - Divine Lifestyle

Why? & Welcome! – I have joined the Sisterhood of the Mommy Bloggers

So this is it. My unofficial big day. The day that I really launch this blog. All the hoopla comes later, right? The ponies, the ice cream cones, the parade… If you are reading this, welcome. This feels like a long time overdue for me.

On to the Why?  – I have been a writer my entire life. My mother used to buy me journals when I was a kid because I was a wild child who needed some sort of creative outlet and I never shut up. I would fill them up with stories, observations and even turned one into an entire novel. Although that novel is still unpublished, it is deeply cherished by my mother plus she hides so I cannot steal it from her.

I have spent years writing for business and family. Newsletters, training programs, marketing campaigns…anything at all. I am THAT family member or friend that everyone comes to for a good cover letter or to clean up a resume or even the occasional complaint letter. I also have written for epinions and other review sites for years because I genuinely like reviewing products. I try everything as soon as it comes out and I am also that person who friends and family seek out for advice about new products or to find out where they can get information.

I am new (or fairly new) to the blogosphere. I mean, I have known for year about blogs and checked them out sometimes. But this past year, something happened as I ventured into the freelance writing arena as a way to make a little extra money for my family. I found a cool writing gig that I enjoy and stuck with it.  I started finding some mom blogs, briefly read a few along the way and thought why would all of these people write for free?

It took me a while to realize that “free” meant “freeing.” I was spending so much time looking for work that I was barely writing. I had no niche and I was miserable. I signed up for this cool sounding thing called BlogHer and it was coming to Atlanta. This later got canceled and I was so disappointed. Then I met this cool chick via Twitter and she was planning a conference of her own. I just liked the name BlissDom at first. Had no clue what it was really about except blogging, of course. But who doesn't need a little Bliss?

So I went to the conference and it was amazing. I met all of these cool mom bloggers and truthfully, I had never really read much of what they have written. I went to the conference to see if I really wanted to be a blogger or not. I had been playing with some ideas.

This conference was amazing. I was in the corporate world for years and I have never seen anything like the Sisterhood of the Mommy Bloggers. In the corporate world (at least the one that I was in) it was competitive. You sabotage help each other out a little but this…this was unheard of in my world.

These women all knew each other (I must admit that I felt a little left out but that was only because I was new) and they all liked each other. Better yet, they helped each other out. Was there something in the water? I couldn't get enough. They shared leads, they mentored each other, they laughed, they networked…there was something in the water and it was inspiration. It really is a sisterhood. I shared a few things too and people were so genuinely thankful that I was overwhelmed.

All I knew that after leaving BlissDom'09 is that I absolutely had to be a part of it. I came home and literally spent days stalking reading all about these mommy bloggers that I had come into contact with at the conference.  I drank it all in and realized that I had never felt so in place. I had to become a Mommy Blogger. And today, I am!  I am a freakin' mommy blogger. WOOHOO! Today, I have officially joined the Sisterhood of the Mommy Bloggers. Thanks for making it a place where I really want to be.

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14 Comments Leave a Comment »

  1. Congratulations on that wonderful milestone- post #1! I’m looking forward to reading more!

  2. CheekySweetie

    Welcome to the fold!

  3. lorrie @cuteangel79

    congrats on the new blog, blogher sounds so amazing i wish I could go but its right during my petsitting season and too expensive

  4. jckat

    Congrats on the new blog, may you have many blogging days ahead!

  5. Betty

    Congrats! You are going to enjoy it so much. I just started myself. I used to help my husband promote his blog but have now started my own.
    Wishing you much success!

  6. congratulations! I’m looking forward to following your blog. Good luck and have fun!

  7. Susieqtpie

    Congrats! Another fun blog to explore!!!!

  8. Welcome and congrats! I have been a blogger for just about a year now. It is a fascinating world filled with some interesting people.

  9. Jo

    Congrats on your blog! and have fun Blogging…It’s a blast!

  10. Alli Worthington ( @alliworthington )

    Looks wonderful!

    So happy you are in the club.

    You are wonderful and your new online home will be a huge hit.

    Love, Alli

  11. Welcome!! I officially started just over a month ago and am loving it!

  12. Welcome to the blogosphere! Well done!

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