What to Know Before Going Back to School
What to Know Before Going Back to School The concept of “going back to school” is something we associate with kids at the end of their summer breaks. However, the phrase increasingly applies to...
Thanks for stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. This is my second year participating in the UBP and I am really excited to be doing it again. I found and subscribed to so many great blogs last year. I also visited every person who visited me and the majority of the blogs on the 5M4M linky. That's right, over 1000 blogs that week.
I just celebrated my one year blog anniversary and couldn't be more thrilled. I have had a fabulous year. I have made some amazing bloggy friends, taken some great trips and attended some amazing conferences. I have truly gotten everything out of blogging that I have put in.
I would love to win a few prizes. Of course, the grand prize of the Toshiba Satellite would be freakin' fabulous!! My top three choices besides the laptop would be #8,#39 and #40.
I would also absolutely love #22, #23, #15, #31, #32, #33, #49, #52, #55, #70, #71, #73, #74, #75, #87 and #88 from the US Only list. From the US and Canada list, I would love #3, #8, #13, #15, #25, #32, #33, #35, #36, #37, #39, #40, #41 and #44. From the International list, I would love #1.
Again, thanks for visiting. Make certain to leave a comment so I visit your blog in return (if I haven't already).
Want to know more about me and my family? Check us out here: More About Stacie and Her Family.
First – howdy neighbor!! Second – Yay, my first response to a UBP10 blog!
Happy blogiversary to you!! I am so glad to see you as part of the UBP this year. I am learning alot about the blogging world, and have heard so many good things about the UBP! Glad to hear your positive comments about it too!
.-= Lori Vann´s last blog ..Party People – Make Some Noise! =-.
Thanks for stopping by!
Well, I guess I’m a little early! Howdy! Good luck winning that laptop!
.-= Cindy ´s last blog ..Contests Today =-.
Hello! I came via Twitter 🙂 Happy First Blogoversary. So nice to meet you!
.-= Beverly´s last blog ..Party Time =-.
Here’s to a fun week of bloghopping!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..5 Minutes For Mom’s Ultimate Blog Party 2010! =-.
Stopping by via the blog hop, I’m having so much fun reading all these new blogs!
Hey there! Just wanted to stop by has say Happy UBP! (And who WOULDN’T like to win that laptop!) I’m still working on my list. So many to choose from…
.-= Emilie´s last blog ..The Ultimate Blog Party 2010 Has Arrived! =-.
Hoppin by…hehe, I think we have met!
.-= Lisa Mom of 2 Boys´s last blog ..Welcome Ultimate Blog Party Guests! =-.
Yeah, I am pretty sure that we have met before! 🙂
Hi. Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party! I hope you win your laptop. I am after the $200 Apple gift card myself. Blessings!
.-= Barbie´s last blog ..It’s Blog Party Time! =-.
dropping by from the philippines 🙂 i joined the blog party too! hope to see you at The Mommy Journey
by the way, love your layout!
Stopping in from the Blog party (I’ve been here before!) I’d love to win that Toshiba too!
Great meeting you. I am having a great time stopping by all the blogs from the UBP (I’m going to try to visit absolutely all of them!). I love your blog header.
Happy Blogging Anniversary! Nice to meet you from the party
.-= kristen´s last blog ..Swag Bucks – Amazon Gift Card Price Lowered =-.
So many fabulous prizes! I love the UBP10!
Congrats on your blogiversary! That is a great milestone.
Visiting from UBP! 🙂
Stopping by party crashing.
So great to meet ya! Happy UBP. Come on by and say hi when you can.
Stopping by from UBP! Love the colors on your site!
Stopping by from UBP 2010! Come visit me too:
.-= Janel C´s last blog ..UBP 2010: Ultimate Blog Party!! Over 150 Prizes! One Week Only! =-.
Happy Blog-versay! How exciting!! I’m excited to look through your blog some more!
Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you get the chance. http://www.fromthesamenest.com
So happy to ‘meet’ you! I’m off to check out the rest of your blog. Happy partying!
.-= MominIN´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party =-.
It’s also my second year joining UBP and I’m glad i did it again because it is so much fun!!
My UBP 2010 Party Post
Wow, you visited almost all of them last year? That’s amazing! I am finding some fabulous blogs as I’m hopping along, though. I need a method to my madness, though. I’m skipping all over randomly. Probably not the best idea. LOL
Stopping by to say hi during the Ultimate Blog par-tay!
.-= Stacie´s last blog ..Free Beverage At Punch Pizza =-.
Yeah for the one year blog anniversary, yeah!! Happy party week hun!!!
Love your blog. Popping by from the UBP and am following!!
HI! Popping in for the UBP! This is my first year and I love discovering all the new blogs I didn’t know about! Happy Blogiversary!
Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance http://stopdropandrelax.com/blog/ And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at http://www.StopDropandRelax.com and Prepare To Be Pampered.
I just celebrated my 1 year blogoversary as well! I’ve heard of your blog before–but not sure that I’ve ever been here! Your header is too cute! Found you through the UBP!
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party? I’m so there! =-.
I just celebrated my 1 year blogoversary as well! I’ve heard of your blog before–but not sure that I’ve ever been here! Your header is too cute! Found you through the UBP!
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party? I’m so there! =-.
Hi! This is my first time visiting. I surfed in from 5 Minutes for Mom. Looking forward to getting to reading more as we go. If you’d like to read it, my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post can be found at Dayngrous Discourse. I hope you’ll surf on over and say hello.
Yay, another familiar face! Congrats on celebrating a year, you’ve certainly done a fabulous job. That’s amazing that you were able to visit over 1,000 blogs last year. Way to go girl!
Party on 🙂
Party With Tiff (UBP post)
Yay, another familiar face! Congrats on celebrating a year, you’ve certainly done a fabulous job. That’s amazing that you were able to visit over 1,000 blogs last year. Way to go girl!
Party on 🙂
Party With Tiff (UBP post)
Stopping by from the UBP-Have a great weekend.
Hey there, came by from the UBP blog train. I love your layout, so bright and happy colors. Hoping you have a ton of guests this week hun…
.-= Angel´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 010 is up and running… why aren’t you here?? =-.
Congrats on your bloggyversary! So great to meet ya! Happy UBP. Come on by and say hi when you can.
.-= Yoly @ YNR Live´s last blog ..Our first – Ultimate Blog Party 2010! =-.
Following your amazing blog. I will stay in touch. I like to read my blogging members sites on a weekly basis.
Grabbing your badge to add to my site.
.-= Taiyon’s Image´s last blog ..GISELE BUNDCHEN’S "SEJAA" SKIN CARE =-.
Stopping by from UBP! Nice to meet you! Have a great weekend.
.-= Rana´s last blog ..Post it Note Tuesday =-.
I stopped by via UBP and I’m glad I did! Your site looks fresh and fun and I’ll be coming back!
Visiting from UBP! I have always loved your blog! Hope you get alot of party goers!
.-= Jessica B´s last blog ..Alexa’s Angels Review and Giveaway =-.
I have followed your blog a long time and just stopped by to say HI from the party 🙂
Just stopping by from UBP! Congrats reaching your one year mark. I’m new to the blogging world and this is my first UBP I have to say I’m loving it.
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..Debt Managment =-.
The laptop would be awesome! I wish I had submitted a prize. Next year I will be on the ball. This year I am playing catchup each week!
.-= MusingsfromMe/Jill´s last blog ..Want to Find a Hotel That Works for You? =-.
Hey there lady! Just wanted to stop by and say hi for the UBP!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010 – Welcome to A Simple Kinda Life! =-.
That’s quite a feat you accomplished last year. Nice to meet you. Happy partying!
.-= Fruitfulvine2´s last blog ..Tips for Wives – Take Him To The Edge =-.
Happy UBP 2010!
.-= Deborah´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010 =-.
Hi there,
I just started blogging, and am attending BlogHer in August! Would love your thoughts as a conference newbie. Stop by and share your tips, if you can!
Happy UBP10!
Congrats on your blogaversary!
Hi, Stopping by from UBP 2010 – this is my first! I’ve been blogging for over a year, but I missed last year. It’s been a blast so far, but I think I’m only on #30 something.
.-= Laura´s last blog ..2010 ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY =-.
Happy UBP from http://www.powerofmoms.com
What a darling blog you have! Nowali Slippers–I had completely forgotten about them until I saw the photo. I used to have some as a child. We loved them as they were great for slipping and sliding across the linoleum floor. Stop by our site!
Congrats on a great year. Happy UBP 10.
Stopping by from the UBP! 🙂 I’m kind of blog-hopping right now, but following you so I can be sure to come back later! 😀
Just “party hopping!” Very, very nice to “meet you” 🙂 So many blogs, so little time!! LOL!
Love the nicknames!!!
Visit my party post at:
Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party!! Following your blog now! Hopefully you can stop by mine and follow as well! Have a great weekend!
.-= Krissy @ ArtsyMom´s last blog ..Let’s have FUN!! 🙂 UPB Day 2!! =-.
Blog hopping from the UBP. I hope to be doing as well as you by the time I reach my 1 year blobiversary! Please check out my blog – http://www.sugarplumtreasures.com
Dropping in from UBP. This is so much fun! Your blog looks great!
Stop by and see me sometime.
Great to meet you! Came by from the UBP!
.-= Sherry´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party and Chocolate Giveaway! =-.
Your blog is darling! I am now following you via Google Friend Connect.
Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party ’10 post! Become a reader & stay informed of upcoming giveaways!
.-= lovelyritaann´s last blog ..2010 Ultimate Blog Party =-.
Dropping by from UBP. You have a wonderful looking family! And I love nicknames too! Though for some funny reason I’ve decided to not allow people to shorten my son’s name. *shrugs* I’m allowed the one I guess.
.-= Beck´s last blog ..Yes yes, pictures HAVE been lacking! =-.
Hey! this is my 1st year at UBP10.. im still trying to get the hang of it LOL! Happy 1 year blogiversary (or however you spell that 🙂
.-= Brittney´s last blog ..dirty cheater =-.
Hi Stacie, stopping by from the UBP and also from The PRPlace!
Congrats on your one-year blog anniversary – you’ve made some terrific accomplishments! I’m also checking out that extensive wish-list of giveaways you have listed!
.-= Cindi @ Moomette’s Magnificents´s last blog ..Welcome to the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party and Giveaway =-.
Hi, great to meet you again. I am not much into giveaways, just my nature. Nothing is free to me, Now my hubby he loves giveaways and joins them all. I will just be surprise if I get anything. I have several blogs and love to blog. this is my first year at the UBP. So I am overwhelmed to say the least. I’m #1527 on the list. so many to visit on that list. have a great time a the party.
.-= Auntie E´s last blog ..The Ultimate Blog Party =-.
I do remember you! How are you? What is your husbands name? I will be on the lookout for him. 🙂
IM BACK! IT’S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I LAST BEEN HERE, AND AM I GLAD TO BE BACK! hope you can visit back real soon as well, missed your visits!
.-= jenie=)´s last blog ..BEFORE IT RAINS =-.
Congrats on one yr. We just celebrated our first anniversary too!
Happy UBP!
Musing Mommies
Just blog hopping for the party and saw your name-thought I would come by and say “hi.”
I also was on Mabel’s Labels today and saw you were a finalist for their contest? Congratulations! I read your post and think it’s fantastic so I think you have a good chance at this thing… Good luck!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..A Meme and a Party… =-.
So glad I found your blog! I am stopping by from the Party! Hope you find some free time to swing by mine at http://www.miamamiah.com and http://www.justjewelrybyjessica.com Have a Wonderful Week!
Stopping by to say hello! Great blog! 🙂
.-= Roxanne D.´s last blog ..Top Ten Tuesday =-.
Woot, woot!!!! Love UBP! *tossing glitter*
.-= jennyonthespot´s last blog ..What The What?! Wednesday =-.
Somehow i missed there was a grandprize. Now I need to go update my prize list. ROFL!!
Stacie, we already know eachother and you are kick ass.
Check out MomDots New Kids Fashion Blog Posts!
.-= Trisha @momdot´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Dropping by the UBP . . . and SO glad! Glad to meet you!
.-= Caroline´s last blog ..Mingling at my First Ultimate Blog Party =-.
Congrats on your year. And last nights party was great :)!
Swinging by on the UBP party bus! Cool site! Lots to see and do!
.-= EVelyn´s last blog ..Another Reason To Toast! =-.
Great to find you through the party. Your pink and purple design is so cute, I really like it. And happy (recent) blog anniversary!
.-= Molly´s last blog ..Transitioning from the Crib to the "Big Boy Bed" =-.
Wow, you were one busy lady at last year’s UBP – good for you! I am barely making rounds and this is my first UBP. Other things have just kept me from doing all that I wanted to this week with the UBP.
Hope you’ve had fun this year too!
.-= Theresa´s last blog ..Big Brother from Wordless Wednesday =-.
Stopping by from the UBP! I can’t believe you visited ALL the links last year! WOW!
This is my first year and it has been really fun getting to know other bloggers out there!
Would love for you to stop by and visit my blog: Mom Got Blog and become a follower!
I am a new follower of your blog and can’t wait to come back to read more.
Have a great weekend!
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Ultimate Blog Party 2010! =-.
Hi, Nice to meet you. Stopping by from the UBP. Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parening in Blue Jenas. I have a giveaway going on (ends today) for a date night. Feel free to put your name in the hat.
Visiting from the UBP! How are ya? How’s the party hopping going? come on over and visit with me when you get the chance!
.-= Tiff@DogwoodLaneDesigns´s last blog ..The Ultimate Blog Party is Here!!! =-.
Checking around sent by ubp … !! Love the site… And I love the Reviews!!!
Thanks for having me!!
hi,just stopping by to congratulate you on your anniversary.
Wow! Great thinkng!