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Go mosquito-free this summer with ORKIN. We live in the city of Atlanta and while we love city living, our backyard is all woods. There are several walking trails, a waterfall and tons of vegetation. There is no grass back but there sure are a lot of mosquitoes.
We have been working on creating a nice, outdoor living area on our back deck but it has been tough with all of the bugs. We have to spray ourselves before we can even go outside. Did you know that some species of mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as Zika virus, Chikungunya virus and West Nile virus?
I understand the importance of taking precautions to help prevent mosquito bites, especially in the summer months when mosquitoes are most active but sometimes this can be hard and even with all of the spray, those pesky mosquitoes still manage to find a way to bite me.
We have had friends over and the moment we walked on the back deck, the mosquitoes started swarming. People were batting at these pests and no one was enjoying themselves so we all came back inside.
With all of the crazy weather we’ve had so far this year, meteorologists are now predicting a sweltering summer, and we know that with hot weather come nasty nuisances of the insect variety. Our backyard is no exception; it is a mosquito haven.
Well it used to be a mosquito haven. Our yard was just treated by an ORKIN professional who is an expert at mosquito eradication. And now we can hang out on our deck with friends and not get eaten alive.
When outdoors, it is extremely important to always protect yourself from mosquito bites. With thing like Zika virus, Chikungunya virus and West Nile virus being top of mind, we HAVE to take precautions to protect ourselves and our families. Here are some things that you can do to be proactive around your house to protect everyone:
1. Use EPA-registered mosquito repellents containing one of the following active ingredients: DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane- diol or IR3535.
2. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
3. In your yard, eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can breed.
4. Around your home, eliminate mosquito entry points.
Are mosquitoes are ruining your summer fun? Simply contact the licensed pest professionals at ORKIN by clicking here to request a free inspection. Go mosquito-free this summer with ORKIN.
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We are proactive about pests like these. we have a spray service and no standing water.
Ugh, the bugs of summer. They really are pests, but now they’re also dangerous. Good to know who to call for an annoyance free & safer summer.
We surprisingly (and thankfully!) do not deal with many mosquitoes here in our desert climate, however, I can only imagine what a pain they are. We have our home sprayed once a month, every month, to keep all pests away.
This is great advice. Mosquitoes definitely like to annoy us when we’re sitting on our patio.
We have a lot of trees and get many mosquitoes in our area. We have to have our yard treated too or we’d be on the buffet for all those nasty little critters this summer.
The whole mosquito issue has really gone from annoying to dangerous between West Nile and Zika. It discourages us from being out at night certainly. Will have to look into this.
I must have the most popular blood type for mosquitoes. They love me any time I walk out the door. I’m always covering up and spraying myself before I leave the house.
I hate mosquitoes because aside from the stingy bites, they can carry harmful diseases! I always use repellent at home.
I had not even thought about calling a pest control service for the outdoors. What a great idea.
I know this sounds silly, but I never even thought about a pest control company helping with mosquitoes. My grandparents had them really bad when we were growing up. It made going outside miserable.
I will definitely be taking this advice to get those pesky mosquitoes away this summer. They have to be my biggest enemy when it comes to enjoying the outdoors this time of year.
I hate those pests! We don’t get them in a great quantity where we live now, but the last place I came from they were called the state bird. They were huge and there were a ton of them. I would do anything to keep them out of my yard.
The bugs have been really bad here this year, we had a couple of dry summers and then a lot or rain this summer so they all came out of hiding. Ugh! Never thought to call orkin that’s for sure, I wonder if we can convince the city to let us get the greenbelt behind our house sprayed….
I would love to not have to worry about those pesky mosquitos anymore. My home is really close to a creek and it draws them in this time of year.
I currently have 6 – yes SIX mosquito bites. They love me! I hate them!
Ugh I HATE mosquitos! I grew up out in the boonies by a lake and they are SO bad down there. They also really love to bite me.
I hate mosquitos, theyre so darn pesky and it doesnt help that we live a few miles from a lake. Lol anytime we’re outside when the sun starts going down, we’re dinner!
We had a ton of rain early this year. I’m sure the mosquitoes are terrible. I don’t go outside very often for this reason. I tend to attract the mosquitoes too. I’ll have to look into this service.
If there is one thing I can’t do it is bugs. I tried to kill a spider in my basement yesterday with class cleaner. IT WOULD NOT DIE! I finally had to suck it up in the vacuum.
I hate this time of year when the mosquitoes are out. They get so bad around here and I hate having my girls around it. I’m glad there are items out there to help with them too.
I hate mosquitoes because they are too dangerous. We get a lot of these pests in our area. This is great advice.
Among the three of us, mosquitoes love me the most. Our doctor says, maybe I am sweet. 🙂 I have to get me that mosquito repellent soon.
ohh those dang mosquitos drive me nuts! to think they bite you everywhere and make you itch like crazy! it drives me mad I tell ya! I’ll have to look into this Orkin idea quick… as I have about 4 bites on me from last night! ; )
I hate mosquitoes – They loooove my blood but every time I get bitten I end up scratching it and it leaves a horrible mark. I noticed my daughter does the same. This is great information.
Our whole family suffers bad reactions to mosquito bites! We need to set an appointment with them stat!
We hate mosquitoes and since it’s the rainy season here, they are driving the hubster crazy. I don’t know if we have Orkin here but I’ll look it up.