Industrial Pieces for the Home
Industrial Pieces for the Home Henson Counter Stool – Brown – Arteriors This rustic counter stool is crafted of iron with eye-catching curves and a sandblasted wooden swivel seat. Cara 50″ Industrial Dining Bench...
I am part of the Finish® Alliance of Moms. I shared this with you a few months ago. We use Finish® in this household and we have for years. I was thrilled to be asked to try their new “less harsh chemical” line of dishwashing detergents, Finish® Power & Free™ and Jet-Dry® Power & Free™. What I especially love is that Finish® uses hydrogen peroxide action in the Power & Free™ line and this means no chemicals.
We have been participating in this safer living challenge for months now and I am really glad that we did it. We got to spend more time together as a family this year and less time scrubbing dishes. With less dish scrubbing, we got to spend a lot more time riding bikes and playing outside.
We plan to continue to be Power & Free and Clean It Forward by using Finish every single time we use our dishwasher. We understand the importance of using less chemicals while still getting the same clean that we are used to. I encourage you to Clean It Forward by trying Finish Power & Free and try out the simpler & safer-living challenge.
Finish® Partners with NUK ~ Less Chemicals when Cleaning #FinishMoms #CleanItForward
Finish® has earned the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal, and the 2014 Product of the Year USA winner. Plus, mainstream brands are now working with Finish® including NUK. As a mother, I am extremely concerned with what I clean my kids items with especially when it comes to the dishwasher. The Finish® and NUK partnership means I no longer have to worry about sippy cups, pacifiers, bottles and baby bowls getting cleaned the right way. Finish® just does it!
Visit the Finish® Facebook page here for coupons, updates and more.
Check them out on YouTube.
Go to the Finish Product Website
I am excited to share that one of you will win a $100 Visa Gift Card from Finish®. A will be chosen randomly using Rafflecopter and no purchase is necessary.
I am part of the Finish Alliance of Moms and have been compensated by Finish®
We’ve had a TIME with our dishwasher. (As in it took us over a day of hardcore cleaning it to get it in usable condition.) We’ve used Finish before and really like their dishwasher tablets.
I use the finish jet dry, I should try the wash tabs. We have been trying to have bigger loads of laundry and dishes before we wash. Less waste, more money for family stuff!
I have been using Finish since…..well, forever. I have always used it because that is what my mom used 🙂
I plan to live safer by switching to products with less harmful chemicals in them. And simpler by finding products that do most of the work for me so I have more time to spend with my family.
i want to use all natural dishwasher products and use less water. That would save us a heck of a lot of money! thank you! xoxo
I plan to live simpler by using the dishwasher in my rental home . The dishwasher is truly a luxury for our family. My husband doesn’t care for it bc he’s understandably concerned about the rising cost of electricity. I am enjoying the use if it to have calmer evenings. I’m planning to live safer by using essential oils in our home . Thank you!
I love Jet Dry, but have never tried Finish. I have been having a hard time getting my dishwasher to do it’s job, maybe it’s time for a change. I’m sick of doing dishes by hand after pulling them out of the dishwasher!
i buy eco friendly products and recycle
We use cloth diapers and reusable paper products. I try to eat organic also. Trying to do our part 🙂
I plan to live a more simple life by getting rid of stuff we do not need. I have a bag full of clothes to drop off at Goodwill tomorrow, actually! 🙂
We love Finish products. We have a new dishwasher now, but we discovered Finish after having a horrible time with our last dishwasher. We still use it, though!
I love the Finish brand for my dishwasher. Love how clean and shiny the dishes are when they come out.
I think I have some Finish out under my sink. I don’t use my dishwasher very often. Most times, I just wash my dishes by hand.
I want to use green cleaning products and maybe use less dishes and reuse cups.
One thing I know we need to do is to resuse our cups and like snack bowls when they eat a little snack, they will toss it in the sink and get another bowl for something else. With the cups, there is no need to go through 4 or 5 a day! My boys have a terrible habit of doing that and it drives me nuts!
We are downsizing and moving to a slightly smaller house and getting rid of things we don’t need.
I plan to live simpler by being less materialistic.
We love finish, it’s all we use in our dish washer. Has such great results! I plan to live simpler by using more reusable options for school for my kids and staying consistent!
I plan to live simpler and safer by starting to use Finish from now on with every single use of our dishwasher.
We plan to live simpler and safer by eliminating all unnecessary from every aspect.
Finish jet dry is really good stuff.
I live simpler by cooking several meals at once. Cuts down on the daily dishes – just one big clean up and I’m good for several days.
I love Finish. That stuff works like magic. $100.00 isn’t a bad giveaway either!
Finish is a great product. It works just as well as they advertise. I love the giveaway, too. $100.00? Not too shabby!
We love Finish. WE have actually switched from another BIG name brand to Finish and it works great!
I plan on using less water as well as recycle more.
I have always lived simpler by not going in debt, only buying the things I need. Making my food from scratch and eating out less, and only washing dishes in a full load with my favorite dishwashing cleaner Finish. I like that it uses less harsher chemicals which is great for our environment.
I used to use Finish at our old apartment that had a dish washer!!! Oh how I miss those days! No dishwasher here, we wash them all by hand, wish there was something to make doing dishes by hand simpler lol
I’m trying to live simpler by cutting down on our crazy schedules. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t!
I plan to live simpler by having less clutter and less stuff in my house
I love Finish products! They get our dishes the cleanest!
I use regular Finish already. I definitely want to try this new Power & Free version.
id like to live more simple by using less products and making my own when I can
Living simpler and safer has definitely been extended to the products we use in and on our bodies and around our home. We have been using more natural products to be safer from too many chemicals.
This makes me really miss my dishwasher! We only ever used Finish because it got our dishes so clean. I can’t wait to get a new dishwasher once we move. Im more excited to buy Finish now that its made with even less chemicals.
Sadly apartment living is super simple in New York City, there is no space for anything. I AM MY DISHWASHER! LOL (Got the hands to prove it!) 🙂
Would using the Visa card to eat out for a week so there wouldn’t be dirty dishes count as simplifying?
Not sure why, but comment luv hasn’t been able to find my feed for two weeks.
I need to live simpler by changing some of the products I buy and use. I will watch more closely at the ingredients and what the company does to protect our families and environment. I use the finish dry rinse but have never tried the tables, I will be sure to try them!
I’ve started using more ‘natural’ cleaners… It still amazes me sometimes that I can clean most anything with simple things like vinegar, peroxide, baking soda, etc.
More amazing to me… got ants or other bugs? DON’T risk poison! Mix half&half 10X sugar & baking soda (I leave it sit in a sealed container for a few hours first) I guess the baking soda absorbs the odor of the sugar… because bugs eat it by mistake… Bugs can’t burp… bugs carry it back to nest & well… it’s probably the most impressive thing I’ve found… AND generally safe around kids & pets
You can have the best dishwasher in the world and if you aren’t using a good product to keep your dishes clean, well, it won’t matter.
Which is why we need a new dishwasher 😉
I will live simpler and safer by purchasing more organic foods and natural products.
Having a large family I make sure to have full loads of laundry and about to purchase a new dishwasher. We have used Finish many times in our old dishwasher and we liked the power tabs more so than the gel.
We try to use less chemicals in cleaning our home and less no pesticides in our garden. Better for us and the environment.
We live simple by using organic.
noithing extra comes in the house without two things going out less stuff
I plan to live simpler by planning more and using less.
i use less chemicals when cleaning the house. It makes me feel good that the kids can literally eat off the table
all my family uses is Finish! we love it!
I want to try and start making our own laundry detergent!
I plan to be ever conscious of what kind of cleaning stuff I use in my house
I don’t have a dishwasher right now boo hoo. LOL but I remember that being in our house since forever too.
We are definitely a family that uses Finish for our dishes. So grateful that we live in a time that the convenience of the appliances that we have today.
I plan to live simpler and safer by buying more natural products.
I use the Finish jet dry in my dishwasher. I really love their products and think they make a big difference!
I plan to live simpler and safer by only using safe products and as few chemicals as possible. I’m going to have to switch my soap!
Would have to say by using less things we think we need, recycling, and following rules a little more closely
We have been trying to eat and cook healthier this year. Even started our own mini garden this year and are having so much fun with it! I need now to move on to the cleaning department and get us healthier there too. I would love to try the Finish!
I plan to live safer and simpler by cutting out those things that I use and eat that contain unhealthy additives and chemicals.
Thanks for the FUN giveaway! I love the ease of use for Finish!
I’m redecorating by de-cluttering and giving things away! I try to live more safely by thinking things through before doing an activity or going places – safe driving, not walking on ice, etc.
What I would give for a dish detergent that actually worked! Totally giving this a try.
We have always used finish. Then we went for 3 years without a dishwasher (the horror). lol Now that we have one again we went right back to using finish.
I plan to live my life simpler buy not sweating the small stuff.
I often hand wash my dishes, and I have been using another brand to wash in the dishwasher. I haven’t been very happy with them. Looks like I will need to give Finish a try
We have an older dishwasher that often seems to not want to clean good. I wonder if these would help with that.
I have recently started using baking soda for a lot of my cleaning chores, it works really well and is much better than harsh chemicals.
I wanna live closer to the nature.
We are trying to live within our means and get out of debt! We are trying to be safer by cutting out harsh chemicals and fast food! I have been a huge fan of Finish for years and this product is amazing!!
We live pretty much cleaner right now, but if I was to try something new it would be to add a worm farm tto our composting system. We also try to make an effort to use less plastic packaging and doo more recycling of the plastics we use.
I use Finish and love it. As for a simpler life, I did that about 7-8 years ago by getting rid of everything I don’t need and giving a lot of thought to everything I buy now. This is a drastic departure from the way I lived before and I love it.
we plan to live simpler & safer buy using bio degradable products when ever we can & to reccle what ever we can to save our environment
We have Finish right now in our kitchen! Thanks for sharing!
We live simpler and safer by paying attention to what’s in products and buying the most healthy versions we can. We also pay attention to packaging.
I’ve been using more organic and natural cleaning products. There are so many great options now!
We plan to live simpler and safer by investing in products that do not harm us. We have changed many of our eating habits this summer and are on our way to making more healthy decisions for my family.
Thank you for the awesome giveaway. I can use all the help I can get when it comes to dishes.
I love Finish. We are currently renting a home, so we don’t really have much say over appliances. Our dishwasher isn’t the high end kind I’d choose in our own home, so we have to really compensate with a great detergent.
I’ve never tried Finish. Need to get me a dishwasher first! 😀
I’m trying to use more natural product to live simpler.
i plan to live simpler and safer by making sure i am using natural products I make at home to clean or organic products
I plan to use products made with safer ingredients
This is the only brand we use. I try to teach my kids to recycle. to turn off the lights and water when they are not in use. To preserve out planet as best we can and also by being a good example.
I’m looking forward to trying this version of Finish. I did like the other one, but I like the fact this is less harsh way more so I’ll switch.
We only use Finish. Love the fact that it has less chemicals.
I live simpler and safer by composting my veggie and fruit scraps, saving water, and conserving energy. I also try to eat healthy but cheat a lot.
i like to live somewhat green and use products that dont contain harsh chemicals
Simpler and safer? Slow down and think about things.
I plan to live safer and simpler by doing the 3R’s!
We try to live simpler by setting aside time to relax as a family and not let our schedules get chaotic. We live saver by choosing products that are non-toxic and making better food choices while shopping.
We have gone organic, even having a small garden in our backyard. We also are now either buying all natural cleaners and even making some of our own, thus eliminating many household chemicals we use to use. We also are repurposing items rather than buying new. Basically, we are now assessing if we really need to go shopping or not, saving lots of dollars rather than shopping till we drop attitudes! It saves lots of money when you start living simple and safer!
Living simpler by downsizing possessions and safer by eliminating chemicals from my home and diet as much as I can.
we recycle and are very selective with products!
I often handwash my kids’ sippy cups. I think I’ll give the dishwasher a go for cleaning them. That’s definitely simpler. I could use the time saved to enjoy my family!
Try to live safer by using fewer chemicals in my cleaning.
We are focusing on using products with less chemicals. Also, we have been cleaning our house out to keep it down to just the essentials. Less time and money spent on cleaning things we don’t really need.
I plan on using products that are better for the environment and reduce waste. We all need to work together to keep a safer place to live.
I already live simpler – I have downsized EVERYTHING. Once you live without a lot of “stuff”, you realize you don’t miss it all that much! As far as living safer, I am trying to eat better and to use organics when possible. Finish sounds like another way that I can incorporate living safer into my life!
by getting rid of unnecessary items in our home, switching our laundry detergent back to a more natural one and creating weekly plans.
I grow much of our own food organically. I also watch what I eat and how much. I also exercise in moderation. This is how I live simpler and safer.
I like to recuse things, then pass them on when I am done.
I plan on going with the less is more look in my home. No more junk.
I like to try to live simpler and cleaner by buying green cleaning products, and buying organic food when possible!
To Recycle, Garden And Incorporate Organic Foods Into My Diet.
I buy green cleaning products whenever possible and always use my appliances on energy saver mode.
By not buying in excess. Using clean green environmentally friendly products.
We use Finish because it works great. We have been trying to live a simpler life by trying to cut down on our waste. That includes recycling, composting, using less water and electricity. We are trying to teach our kids Less is More.
I love simplifying my life — this would help. We are working hard at finding local sources for our food. The farmers’ market is a simple way to get all our meat, eggs and produce all in one place and it is much fresher and lasts longer.
I plan on living simpler and safer by using better products and reusing and recycling more around the house.
By using better products and ingredients that are organic and natural, recycling when we can, using resuable grocery bags and staying out of debt.
I am starting to look into greener cleaning and plan to make my own laundry soap.
We have made a great effort to live simpler and safer for the past five years. We have gotten rid of things like cable that has improved our family times and we have saved money. We have also switched to using all natural cleaning products, keeping harsh chemicals out of our home. 🙂
I plan too live simpler with what I have reuse items instead of getting rid of recycle items. Plus enjoy life yet be cautious with my surroundings
We try to eat natural as much as possible. We are very conscoius of what is in our food and I use coupons all the time to cut down on cost!
I have been using white vinegar as a toilet bowl cleaner. Dirt cheap & safe. Let sit over night scrub and flush. Leaves everything sparkling.
I am always working to cut out clutter and waste in our lives. It’s more important to use what we have and have less to deal with than to be in a state of wanting.
I live simpler by recycling and using mostly natural and safe products
By making my own laundry detergent!
i plan to use vinegar to clean
I’ve been starting to make a lot more foods from scratch, at home. I’m tired of buying things that I can make easily, for a lot cheaper. And they’re a lot safer. I’m tired of spending money and putting my families health at risk just to save time!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like to use natural cleaning products when possible and try to recycle and reuse as much as possible. Thanks for the chance to win!
I make my own dishwasher detergent. It saves time and much cheaper.