The Orange Shoes
The Orange Shoes We didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up. We weren't poor exactly… We were fed and clothed and took the yearly family road trip. But what we...
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I am raising a fierce child and I am so incredibly happy about that. She is baby #3 and although she is the youngest, she is definitely the most outspoken and the ruler of the family. Laurel definitely has a way about her. We hope that you enjoy our post: Raising a Fierce Disney Princess – Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition.
She hasn’t had an easy time of things. Laurel was born with a heart defect and had open heart surgery at 4 months old. She had another surgery after that. Her heart defect means that she sees a cardiologist every year. She also is a little delayed in speech and reading although her doctor tells us that is very common in Tetralogy of Fallot patients.
Laurel has had a lot to overcome and she does it beautifully. We have taught her that the hole in heart has been repaired and that means that she has an even greater capacity to love than most people do. We even celebrate Heart Day every single year.
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition will soon be available on Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere – 9/6 and on Blu-rayTM and DVD – 9/20. Fall in love again with the story of Belle as she captures the heart of the Beast. Looks for lots of fun extras as well.
“There’s something sweet. And almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. But now he’s dear, and so unsure. I wonder why I didn’t see it there before.”
I have never seen a child with more spark, intuition or creativity that my daughter. Belle’s attributes relate to my daughter because she really aspires to do all of things Belle has done in her life. Here are three ways that Laurel is just like Belle:
Just as Belle wants “more then this provincial life,” Laurel aspires to be an astronaut or a ballerina. Thankfully, she knows that she can be absolutely be anything that she wants as long as she works hard for it. This is a common theme in our house as our other children.
Laurel loves to read books above her reading level to challenge herself. She also loves to explore other worlds to experience things like far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise and so much more. Reading has opened up more worlds for her than ever before.
Laurel finds that “beauty is found within” and has never met a stranger. She befriends kids who are by themselves on the playground or are new to her class. Laurel has never said a bad word about anyone that she knows because she only sees the best in people.
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition will be available on Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere – 9/6 and on Blu-rayTM and DVD – 9/20. You can get you’re your copy from disney. You can also get a free Digital Storybook when you buy Beauty And The Beast 25th Anniversary Edition. But hurry because offer expires 11/11/16. Grab yours today!
We hope that you enjoyed our Raising a Fierce Disney Princess – Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition.
What a darling post! I hope my daughter grows up brave like Belle! Can’t believe it’s already been 25 years!
Beauty and the Beast has so many great lessons. Belle has a lot of great qualities for kids to emulate.
My ginger haired girl is sometimes so strong willed that she has a hard time letting her emotions show. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to love her with everything I have!
My girls loved disney princess. I haven’t seen Beauty and the Beast in so many years, I need to let my kiddos watch it as I’m sure it will help my girlies.
Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney movies! My kids and I used to watch it all the time.
Like Belle, I always try to encourage my children to not judge by outer appearances. I would also like for them to never settle for anyone who is less than they deserve, just as Belle refused to be content with Gaston.
Of all the princesses, Belle will always be my favorite! Who doesn’t love getting a giant library and my daughter is starting to feel the same way.
This is very sweet. I like Belle’s adventurous nature as well as her kindness and her ability to see the good in others.
I am in awe that Beauty and the Beast is celebrating its 25th year – it was my favorite growing up. I always admired Belle’s devotion to her family and loved ones.
My oldest is a lot like Belle. She’s brainy, loves books, and isn’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. She was also Belle for Halloween 2 years ago when we went to Halloween at Disney 🙂
Your daughter is so adorable! She’s very inspiring and lovely just like Belle! I wish every little girl will be like Belle.
She’s really pretty and smart. Belle’s adventures is fun and inspiring.
Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie. I’ve always loved Belle and been inspired by the determination and kindness she shows.
My sister’s little girl is definitely a fierce princess. She loves being glamorous and bossy! haha
We have 5 daughters and 4 of them are pretty fierce princesses, makes me proud. I was always timid. I love your little one and hearing about how she is #likebelle. Thank you for sharing.
Belle is my favorite princess for so many of the attributes she shares with your daughter. I love that she is intelligent, confident, and good-hearted.
How sweet to use Belle for the comparison. She does have some excellent qualities to point out. 🙂 Your daughter is a little princess too! I’m glad all is well with her heart!
I still can’t believe it’s been 25 years since Beauty and the Beast came out. You have an amazing daughter and she’s a total gem, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she has qualities that are so much better than Belle!
Look at your little Disney princess she is too cute. Still cant believe Beauty and the Beast is 25 years old. I was 5…
Such a great post, and your daughter is so pretty. Just like a little princess.
I can not wait to get a copy of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast 25th Anniversary Edition . I want my kids to be kind to others and treat people how they would want to be treated.
This was always one of my favorite Disney movies. I would love to get this one so I can share it with my girls. They’re slowly watching some of the older Disney movies that I loved as a kid, and they love them now too!
I’ve always loved Beauty and the Beast, and I watched it numerous times when I was in elementary and maybe until I was in high-school. Just love those Disney princesses!
What a cute homage to your beautiful daughter. It is obvious she is a great person because she learns from her mother. Keep up the great work.
I don’t remember watching the original Beauty and the Beast. I will have to check it out when it comes out.
Beauty and the Beast has so many great lessons., my daughter love it so so much, she watched it numerous times, unbelieve that Beauty and the Beast is 25 years old
Thanks for sharing
I didn’t remember the first time I watched Beauty and the Beast but I have no clues that it’s 25. Time flies. My kids are also fan of the film. We had great time together watching it.