Curbside Chaos!

Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. Presents Curbside Chaos!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have always considered myself to have a brown thumb simply because I have never taken the time to learn about gardening. I keep all of the plants in my house right next to each other for easy maintenance and I STILL forget to water them .

I had some fun this week on the Curbside Chaos website plus I visited the Dig. Drop. Done website as well where I learned that gardening really can be fun and easy.

You should make a visit to learn more about the gardening ladies who represent the site and see which one you are most like.

I think that I most closely relate to Marcy the Super Mom:

I am definitely not an expert but I do love plants and flowers. I love the look and the smell and the way they brighten any room or yard. But I so rarely have any time so I just don't get to garden very often.

And the really cool thing is that bulbs just aren't for planting. They make great gifts. They can be used for decor around your house and much more.


I used the fabulous Garden Guru tool to figure out the perfect time to plant one of my favorite flowers. We have had daffodils for years and this next Spring I wanted to plant more with my children.


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