BonBon Cupcake Microfiber Ruffle Leggings

The fabulously talented & creative folks at BonBon Cupcakes sent me some microfiber leggings last week to try out. Before I could get the words out of my mouth, my four year old daughter was immediately enamored. This diva, my middle child, could not wait to get these leggings on.
The BonBon Cupcakes website shares:
“Bon Bon Cupcakes Microfiber Ruffle Leggings are absolutely adorable little leggings for your little girl! Bon Bon Cupcakes Leggings come packaged to look just like the actual confection in a clear bakery box! These unique leggings look as sweet as the real thing!”
Seriously, the packaging is almost as cute as the product. Annabella was so excited to receive her little bakery box that she was jumping up and down. She then stripped down and asked me to help her find a matching outfit. Yes, that is right, an outfit to match one pair of leggings. But I have to admit, that is was worth it. People stopped us in the restaurant to tell us how cute Annabella looked. She looked chic and sassy.
My daughter has worn her leggings five times since we got them and they wash incredibly well. They are definitely well made. And this is coming from someone who formerly was in the corporate world and always had disposable panty hose. I never ended up having pair for more than day. Annabella has been begging to me to buy more leggings for her and this has most definitely become her favorite fashion accessory.
They are chic. They are stylish and your little fashionista will love them. BonBon Cupcakes are available online and at children's stores. Bon Bon Cupcakes are available in sizes 0-9 months all the way up to girls size 6-8. Prices range from $20 (basic leggings) to $45 (”With Icing” leggings)
Here is the best part for my readers: You can win a pair of these super cool BonBon Cupcake Microfiber Ruffle Leggings. Choose any one pair with the exception of the “With Icing” Leggings.
Review courtesy of Mom Fuse
How to Enter:
1. Post a comment below about how what accessories or clothing is a “must have” for your little fashionista.
2. Visit BonBon Cupcakes and tell me what style, color and size you want for your child if you win.
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*Giveaway is open to residents of Canada and the US only (sorry my worldwide buddies) and ends April 30th. The winner will be chosen by

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I think hair bows are a must have for my little girl! they are functional and stylish at the same time :o) thanks so much!!!
I simply adore this website…it’s right up my ally! I love the Pink & Brown Dot Leggings and think my daughter would look so cute in them. thanks so much!
i follow you on twitter (id colormemommy)
My girl has to wear dresses, she would even wear them to bed if I let her! I would pick the White on white Leggings in size 4-6 if I win!
Shoes are a must for my princess. She puts them on the minute she gets up, gets mad when they fall off, and wants a new pair everytime we shop.
Oh the double layer leggins in pink and brown dot leggings size 2-4 very cute!!
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Ooh, love them!! The pink and black dot double leggings are my favorite, in size 2-4. My little girl LOVES hats of any kind!! Oh, and tutus, a must have!! 🙂
I tweeted about your giveaway
My daughter absolutely loves dresses! She loves them all year long, and even loves to sleep in nightgowns not pajamas!
I love the Pink & Brown Dot Leggings…so cute and would be great with my little girl’s dresses!
correaohana at gmail dot com
I subscribed via email.
correaohana at gmail dot com
My daughter must have shoes, not sneakers. They have to make noise when she walks. lol.
The basic while leggins would be my pick. these are all so cute!
Well, I have a whole bunch of cute shoes for my one year old but she wont keep them on! I would pick the Double Layer Leggings in Pink & Brown Dot Leggings in a size 9-18m.
Thanks for the great giveaway~
Fashion accessory for my little one is flowered headbands, she loves them.
I love the PINK Leopard in Size 2-4 years.
I love their bows. My daughter always has to have a bow in. I think it is so girly and cute. and I love their pink leopard leggings. adorable.
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I have your button.
tweeted. 1amypugmire. don’t know how to link. username is 1amypugmire.
Oh my gosh, those are the cutest things I have ever seen! My daughter would look sooo adorable in those! If I won, I would choose The Pink & Brown Dots Rhinestone Legging in size 2! Thanks 🙂
Your button is on my site here:
I tweeted!
The biggest fashion item my little niece who is 2 thinks she must wear everyday, is her Pink hightop sneakers. They are adorable, but everyday… Oh wait she will wear her Polliwalks, which are fireflies that light up.. She always wants to wear them to bed, she thinks they are sippers,(slippers).
Thanks for the giveaway.
An accessory that my little girl must always have is a clip in her short little hairs 🙂
I love the pink on pink…these are so cute!
stumbled yzgirl4
My Daughter has baby legs and we just can not live without them.
I love the Basic Brown Legging
tweeted today.
I like the Double Layer Leggings in Black & Pink Dots, size 9-18 months.
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I put your button on my blog.
I added you to my Technorati faves.
Thanks for stopping by my site and for your kinds words.
I hope you picked up a fan for your site 🙂
I think the basic pink ones would be great for my daughter! thanks for the opportunity!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
scratch the previous comment.. its late and I should be in bed…lol. Anyways, right now my daughter is into purses and hats-she came home today with a new set of HS musical purse/hat that gram bought her to add to the collection. If we won, she would love the basic pink leggings in the size 6-8. Thanks for the opportunity!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
just subscribed to your feed!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
My daughter loves her hair clips. She can’t live without them. I love the pink rhinestone leggings. So cute!
I stumbled you! NannyDeprived
I tweeted.
My little one needs hairbows or people think she’s a boy with her mop of black wavy hair (even when she’s wearing pink!) I love the pink leopard leggings in a 9-18 months. Great giveaway!
tweeted today. 1amypugmire is my username. don’t know how to link.
My daughters must have accessory is a necklace or the most important – SHOES! She changes them several times a day & she is only 16 mos!
I’d choose the Cream Puff Pink on Pink size 2-4
my dd must have her “hair pretties”. she loves to wear her hair up. i would choose the basic leggings in black and a size 6-8. thank you for the giveaway, clallen @ ntin dot net
tweeted at
thanks clallen at ntin dot net
daily tweet. 1amypugmire
My little one must have a purse at all times.
Hairbows and Hairbands are a must for my little Princess! I like the Pink & Brown Dot Leggings!
daily tweet. 1amypugmire.
My little one loves hats, hair accessories, and anything pretty. I would love the pink and black dot leggings in a 4-6 for her. They are too cute.
tweeted today. 1amypugmire
tweet tweet.
Hello! I am back with a tweet ;O)
My daughter loves to wear headbands. 🙂
The Bon Bon Cupcakes Microfiber Ruffle Leggings Brown & Pink Dots Rhinestone Legging in a 4-6!
tweeted. today. 1amypugmire is my username.
My daughter loves leggings “that don’t go down”… I think I’ve finally figured out what she means by that.
“Mommy? They don’t go down right?”
I think that means that she prefers a alf length legging. She’s been saying this for like a year and I’m like… I don’t know what you mean!
Anywho… I know she’d get a kick out of a new fancy pair of leggings.
I really like the Aqua Leopard Double Layer Leggings in a size 4-6T.
I subscribed via Reader and followed!
ChildhoodBonBon Cupcake Microfiber Leggings Review & Giveaway – A must have item for little fashionistas!! These leggings rock!!
less than 5 seconds ago from web
I RT’d this morning. 🙂
ChildhoodRT @StacieinAtanta BonBon Cupcake Microfiber Leggings Review & Giveaway – A must have item for little fashionistas!!
less than 5 seconds ago from web
daily tweet. 1amypugmire is my username. don’t know how to link yet.
Oh the cute factor here is killing me!
I’m coveting the pink and black dot leggings (size 2-4). Don’t tell my husband that I book marked it!
daily tweet. 1amypugmire is my username. don’t know how to link.
daily tweet on tuesday. 1amypugmire is my username.
daily tweet. 1amypugmire is my username.
I love the Double Layer Leggings – Black with White & Black Dot Leggings – size 9-18 months. Thanks!
I am a first time mommy who isn’t really in to pink stuff. I was worried I wouldn’t be a good girl mom because of this but I soon discovered my passion for frills and animal print. Anything ruffled is adorable and is a must have for my daughter! I especially love the Aqua Leopard Leggings!!
Just tweeted the giveaway for today:
Stumbled: hillfam2005
I subscribe via google reader.
My little fashionista’s must have accessory is a cute bib!
I love the Cream Puffs pink on pink leggings in 9-18m.
Since my baby girl wears plenty of her big brothers clothes I find hairbows and other hair accessories to be a must have.
My little princess niece wears all sorts of headbands, brets, etc. to keep that long hair out of her eyes. But she’s a little leggings girl too. These are just too cute!!! Stacy
Posting this again because I didn’t see and didn’t include size!! My niece is my princess and she loves wearing headbands, brets, etc. But she loves the leggings, too. She’s 3 1/2 so would need a 4T
You have remarked very interesting points! ps decent internet site.