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To foster a spirit of goodwill and help make the world a brighter place, American Girl is introducing Shine On Now™—a new charitable initiative that harnesses the collective power of girls to help others in need. Through Shine On Now, American Girl is calling on girls across the country to help the company give $1 million in clothes, books, dolls, and money to the following four organizations: Kids in Distressed Situations, Save the Children, National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions, and National Wildlife Federation.
Beginning July 13, 2010, girls can visit to contribute a free ‘star’ to the effort. The goal is to collect one million stars by the end of the program on July 31, 2010. In addition, for every star a girl contributes (she can donate up to 100 each day!), her name will automatically be entered in a daily drawing to win a new My American Girl™ doll.
As part of the Shine On Now initiative and to further encourage girls to let their spirits shine, American Girl is also launching a brand-new virtual campus, Innerstar University™—a fun, safe online world where girls learn to be their best through a variety of games, quizzes, and other enriching activities that help boost their confidence and strength. Access to the new virtual world is free with each 18-inch My American Girl™ doll—the company’s newly enhanced contemporary product line that allows a girl to create a special doll as unique as she is.
My last American Girl post discussed how I am one of the Parent Partners. I am helping to spread the word about such a great cause. You too can get involved and possibly win a My American Girl Doll in the process.
Write about how your family impacts your local community through community service, volunteering, etc. for a chance to win. Write about the various ways in which you currently or plan to help the community – big or small – with your children The winner will receive a My American GirI™ doll to keep or to donate to someone in need.
Register to donate a star on the American Girl Shine on Now website. Download the free Ambassador tool kit and tell me what your favorite idea is on how you can make a difference.
1. Become an American Girl Shine on Now Fan on Facebook. Leave a message on the Facebook wall stating that you are entering the giveaway and came from my blog.
2. Subscribe by email or RSS reader. Add the Divine Miss Mommy button to your blogroll or post my button in your sidebar (badge is on the bottom, right side of my blog.) Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect – Click “Join this site”. Like The Divine Miss Mommy on Facebook. – 2 entries each
3. Blog about this giveaway as a separate blog entry and not a combined post with other giveaways – 5 entries
4. Follow me @StacieinAtlanta and @AGShineonNow on Twitter and then hit the Twitter Share button below to Tweet out about this contest. You can do this no more than once every four hours each day for extra entries but you MUST have more than 100 followers on Twitter. Leave your Twitter comment link in the comments section below. Take an extra entry for each person who RT’s you! All tweets must have the #ShineonNow hashtag to count– 1 entry for each
5. Add a relevant comment to any non-giveaway posts on my blog or Enter any of my other giveaways – 1 entry for each giveaway and/or blog post you comment on
6. Stumble this post, not my blog and leave your Stumble Upon name in the comments. – 2 entries
GIVEAWAY ENDS July 31, 2010 at 11:59 pm EST
Disclosure: As a Parent Partner, American Girl will be providing us with a sample doll and will be donating 1000 stars (aka $1000) in our name to Shine On Now to benefit the 4 charities.
Our family participates in food drives & donates to the local food pantry. In the future we’d like to visit nursing homes.
I donated a star in my daughter’s name on the Shine on Now web site. I also downloaded the ambassador tool kit. My favorite idea is to offer to decorate a local children’s hospital during the holidays.
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Wee Squeak Shoes Review and Giveaway =-.
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I’m an email subscriber.
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My whole family participates annually for the Walk Now for Autism, Sacramento. Our girl (age almost 7) is autistic so this is dear to our hearts. She is the leader of our team, invites people to do the walk (including her whole kindergarten class) and picks out the t-shirts for the walk.
78 members donated/walked on her team last October. Wish you all could join us for the walk this fall. 7000+ people walked last year. Our team raised over $10,000 for Autism Speaks!
Our girl has donated 100 stars daily. From the Tool Kit we think it would be helpful to organize a park clean-up after each of our Saturday soccer games. Never seem to have garbage cans out there so we will just take a big garbage bag and put the whole team to work.
I am a fan of Shine on Now and posted the following on their website today
Jean Campbell: sent me here to say thanks for doing this for such good causes!
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
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The Divine Miss Mommy shares with readers how to live the good life for less.
jean campbell
The way my family gets involved is by doing the March of Dimes walk annually. But the way we actively get involved the most is through this organization called Crayons for Cancer. (its awesome. you should check it out). CFC was started by a little girl who wanted to do something to help families like her friend TJ’s after he passed away and she started making crayons…its spiralled into something far greater than anyone could have imagined. This past Jan. my friend Kelly’s baby Jamie (2 weeks older than my 11 month old) died from cancer. My oldest, turning 5 tomorrow, was heartbroken. She wanted to do something, anything, to help Kelly and her family feel better. She loves drawing pictures, which we sent to the family. Kelly invited us to our first crayons for cancer party and we’ve since hosted one and are in the process of getting our entire elem. school to actively collect and peel crayons to donate. My oldest loves talking to people about crayons and always asks them to please save broken crayons, or yucky ones, because she knows how to make them beautiful again so kids can be happier. My 2 year old loves to help sort, and we really have become so excited about doing something that our kids can totally relate to and give back!!
(I also think that American Girl should look into the CFC Story because she’s one amazing little girl).
.-= Brett´s last blog ..Mailbox Monday! =-.
sorry, I forgot to add that Molly is signed up to be an Ambassador and my favorite way to make a difference is:
Be a Fabulous Fund-raiser! Collect money to help charities pay for things they need.
(i think its so easy to fundraise but lots of people forget about the day to day costs and stuff of charities too!- which would be nice to help with, although we’ll be saving, peeling and melting crayons for a long time with CFC)
.-= Brett´s last blog ..Mailbox Monday! =-.
My daughter is only 6 and has yet to get an American Girl doll. The way we help our community so far has been, she has donated about 60 books to our local library, and we clean our toys and donate them to many charities in our area! She is learning how to give instead of recive, it makes me very proud.
I also signed up and we have been donating our stars daily!
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I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy).
I entered your giveaway.
I’m a Facebook fan of Shine on Now and wrote on their wall (Mary Happymommy)
My family helps organizes, sponsor, support and recruit participants for local autism support agencies in Massachusetts.
My 8 yr old daughter volunteers to teach and model social skills to children with autism, because her big brother has autism. She is incredibly patient and understanding, and finds ways to reach the kids through songs, games, and just sitting quietly beside them. She volunteers with autism sibling support groups and shares her feelings about having a brother with autism who cannnot communicate nor care for himself. She is an amazing open, loving and giving child who would probably choose to share or donate this doll if she won! Thank you for an opportunity to honor and recognize her contributions to making the world a better place for children with disabilities.
I’m a Facebook Fan of Shine On Now and wrote on their wall.
My daughter is an ambassador for Shine On and has donated 100 stars every day!
I love to support our community and efforts to bring relief to children and families. Teaching my daughter to give back is one of the most important jobs that I have as a parent. My daughter has just turned four years old, so our involvement is based on what she can do at this age.
What am I doing?
1) I am the organizer of our local moms club (
2) I teach an art class to local homeschooled preschoolers.
What is my daughter doing?
1) She gives toys and clothes away to friends when we no longer need them. As she gets older she wil learn about giving them to organizations and needy families. Starting off with friends has helped her to see the tangible effects of giving and has helped her to realize what happens to things after she gives them away. We frequently see things that she has given away at other homes. This prompted many wonderful conversations about giving and helping others.
2) She has visited the local animal shelter and pet stores to play with the animals and give them love while they are waiting to be adopted. This is a great benefit to her an the animals.
3) Every birthday we ask guests to give art supply donations to our local moms club in lieu of presents. Next year, I am hoping that she will be old enough to pick her own charity to support.
4) Right now, we are collecting fabric donations to make colorful pillow cases for children in the hospital. This project was inspired by ShineOn. Some of the pillow cases will be handpainted by my daughter and her friends. She is very excited about helping other kids!
5) She sings in church and helps with the service.
6) We also bring baked goods to the local fire stations.
My daughter is an Ambassador and donated stars today.
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following you on facebook …second entry
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following @StacieinAtlanta
My daughter and her girlscouts troop collect alluminum cans to be recycled and then take the money from being recycled to our local animal shelter. She has also planned to have an animal themed birthday party and in lieu of presents she is going to ask for donations to be made to the shelter. She makes me very proud. She is an AG Shine On ambassador and has been faithfully donating stars 🙂
I am an AG Shine on fan on FB and told them I entered your giveaway.
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jcamp2020 at aol dot com
commented on “Taking the Time to Follow My Passions” #14 by Jeane
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
Entered to win the Sam’s Club give card. Loved the menu..especially the cheesecake. Looked yummy!
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
comment #121 on your being robbed in the Bahamas Yikes! Not in anyones’s vacation plans that is for sure!
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
my family helps in our community by donating money to our church, which then distributes clothing, food or money to those who need it. We give our clothes and nice toys to organizations like the local Headstart around Christmas and they give them away to whoever needs them. We babysit for free to friends who have been layed off and can’t afford to pay. Whenever there is a funeral we try to offer to help supply food either for the family or to our church to help feed the family after the services. I would like to help my girls learn to make blankets to donate to the local newborns in need program and in a few weeks we are going to go through all the toys and take the nice ones we don’t (or never) use anymore to the local womens shelter.
I love the idea of taking unopened gifts to the childrens hospital. It seems that we always can find a way to share!!
4 hour spaced tweet
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
commented on Wordless Wednesday about your camera…comment #62
have fun!
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tweeted you this Saturday
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Sunday morning..have a great week everyone!
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Monday of the morning to you
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Monday afternoon – grand-kids here to play with grandma… park, library, lunch, naptime then swimming..
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Thursday morning tweet
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Comment #31 on Wordless boat rentals..but “groupon”…don’t know about that…going to check it out.. where to look?
Thursday tweet tweet
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
tweeted ya’
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Our family helps out in our community by donating to local organizations like Goodwill and area food pantries. In the current economy, it is such a great way to reach out to so many in our local area that are in need by giving them resources they need. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! My little girl would love to have this doll as her own 🙂 Amanda
amanda31gifts (at) gmail (dot) com
Thursday late for me
past my bedtime..
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
Good Morning from California
Tweet it’s Friday!
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
beautiful sunrise here
I’m a Shine on Now Facebook fan and I wrote on their wall that you sent me(Mary Happymommy)
I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)
I like you on Facebook (Mary Happymommy)
I entered your AJ Wright giveaway.
I follow you and Shine on Now on Twitter and tweeted.
Going to go play with the grandsons..take them to the library and picnic in the park.
(ages 3 & 6)
nap this afternoon
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
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jcamp2020 at aol dot com
Our family helps our local community by volunteering and donating. We help with church and local drives for injured and sick residents. My daughter is active in her girl scouts group and 4H and has had the oppurtunity to help residents at the nursing home, children in daycare, and collect toys and donations for children in the hospital.
My daughter has registered ay ShineOnNow!
fan of AG ShineOnNow on facebook and posted!/shineonnow?v=wall&story_fbid=148482138495142&ref=mf
GFC follower
GFC follower2
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Saturday…yeah the weekend is here.
Thank you for hosting this promotion and giveaway..
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
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I like the divine miss mommy on facebook
I’m nominating my niece. She is very involved in her community through the Girl Scouts, her church, and her school. She volunteers at the local library and she can’t wait til she’s old enough to volunteer at the hospital. She donates her gently used toys and clothes to the Salvation Army. Her father is currently stationed in Iraq and she has coped with missing him remarkably well. She is kind to everyone she meets and helps her mother with her siblings at home. She has assisted in our community clean-ups.
Tweeting until the end..
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
Commented on your involvment with the Hebrew National park event. #4
Good for you being involved in your community and giving back.
jcamp2020 at aol dot com
I commented on your “American Girl Shine On Now Initiative – I am a Parent Partner ShineOnNow” post.
.-= Mami2jcn´s last blog ..Applied Labels Review and Giveaway =-.
I commented on your Sam’s Club 4th of July post.
I commented on your “American Girl Shine On Now I am a Parent Partner” post.
Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!