Keep These 5 Things in Mind Before You Buy a New House
Keep These 5 Things in Mind Before You Buy a New House Having the ability to purchase a new home is the American dream. However, the process can be daunting if you’re not adhering...
We are back with another fun Twitter chat. This time we are talking about moving. Growing up military, I am no stranger to moving and neither is my husband. Between the two of us, we've lived in 10 different states and spent no small portion of our childhood's heading off to another new school to make a whole new set of friends. Just the idea of moving can stress some people out but did you know that there are experts who can guide you through the process? While moving may always be a little stressful, there are some tips and tricks that you can follow to make things smoother. In fact, next week, we will be talking about moving with a few experts so you will definitely want to join in.
Join the Twitter Chat on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 from 2pm -3pm along with Liberty Mutual and special guest host Chip Wade as we discuss all things moving.
Chip Wade: @ChipWade
Liberty Mutual: @LibertyMutual
Influencers: @StacieinAtlanta, @FoodieFather, @SunandSeaSalt @Mantripping & @KellyStilwell
Join the @LibertyMutual #LetsMasterThis Moving Preparedness Twitter Chat 9.5.18 2 pm-3 pm with special guest @ChipWade + @StacieinAtlanta @FoodieFather @SunandSeaSalt @ManTripping #ad ~ Great prizes and moving tips! Join the fun!
— Stacie H Connerty (@StacieinAtlanta) August 31, 2018