What’s your big dream for 2017?

This is a sponsored post with Disney and Cafe Mom Media.
What’s your big dream for 2017?
I am raising two very amazing princesses at the moment. Those two girls love Disney and Disney Princesses more than anyone I know. They love to emulate the spirit of the Disney Princesses as well.
These girls have been princesses since birth. I love to see them grow up into their own personalities yet they still possess the qualities of Disney Princesses.
Annabella the Princess
My oldest child, Annabella is so much like Belle, Snow White and Rapunzel. She is sharp and intelligent. She goes out of her way to help others and to make certain that everyone is ok. Her teachers call her the Mother Hen because she is more concerned with everyone else before herself.
Annabella is kind like Snow White. She started collecting backpacks a few years ago to distribute them to kids at her school that cannot afford to get a book bag for school. She is great about seeing who needs a backpack, getting donations to purchase and then giving them to each kid. Annabella loves empowering kids to feel good about themselves no matter what and having the needed school supplies always helps.
Annabella is also just like Rapunzel because they both share a never ending sense of adventure. Annabella loves to travel and she loves to walk everywhere when we go places so that we can see more of the city. She is always planning her next travel adventure.

Laurel the Princess
Laurel is my youngest Disney Princess. She is very much like Ariel, Cinderella and Merida. Laurel is one of the most unique and inspiring little girls I know.
Much like Ariel, Laurel’s curiosity knows no bounds. Laurel is interested in so many things and is always doing research or looking up YouTube videos to figure out how to do what she wants to do. She is curious about new foods, new people and new places.
Like Cinderella, Laurel is full of hope. She dreams big and always waits to see her dreams through. Laurel sees the best in everyone and always sees the positive no matter what. Laurel has the free spirit of Merida because she will just walk around the neighborhood to see where it takes her. She always wants to be to doing her own thing.

As a mother, I support dreaming big, achievement, and the values of the Disney Princess characters. I couldn’t think of anyone more suited for my daughters to emulate besides a Disney Princess.
Character Traits of Disney Princesses
Here are all of the traits of Disney Princesses that my daughters love and admire.
Belle’s intelligence
Ariel’s curiosity
Mulan’s bravery
Cinderella’s hope
Snow White’s kindness
Pocahontas’ respect for nature
Rapunzel’s sense of adventure
Aurora’s voice
Jasmine’s independence
Tiana’s big dreams
Merida’s free spirit

Check out the “Dream It, Be It” Video
See the Dream It, Be It video here
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What’s your big dream for 2017?
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I think it’s so important to teach our kids that they follow their dreams big or small. I want my kids to always go for what they want, no matter what it is.
I love how the Disney princesses can be so inspiring. I definitely wanted my kids to have the courage to follow their dreams.
The Disney princesses can be so inspiring to little girls, and to little boys. They teach some great lessons.
Disney is so wonderful at empowering girls to follow their dreams. I see a lot of the Disney Princess qualities in my girls also and it makes me so happy to see them setting goals and striving to reach them to the best of their ability.
I love how much encouragement the Disney princesses give young kids. My daughter loves Ariel, and she is definitely a very curious child!
My daughter has lots of big dreams. I love that Disney is encouraging her to follow these dreams.
Such a great reminder for moms to keep supporting their little girl’s dream and encourage them to dream bigger. I love that these Disney princesses teach little girls a great attitude and character. 🙂
I like that tagline of Disney, they are somehow encouraging our princesses to dream big dreams.
My daughter was my very own Disney Princess! I loved those days when I’d do her hair, get her nice dresses with matching socks and hair bows. If I remember it right, she identified with Mulan. I think the movie taught her a lot about courage, standing up to her beliefs, and love for family.
My sweet baby girl was my princess. Then she grew up in a household surrounded by boys and opted to become a tom boy, lol. It happens. My granddaughter is a single child who is now my little princess. 🙂
This is neat to know that certain children’s characters possess positive traits.
And it is good to know your children (and hopefully others) recognize this.
Disney Princesses are SO inspiring. I wish my girls were more into them, like I was as a child! My big dream for 2017 is for my kids to have a great, and stress free year!
I love how the Disney Princesses empower young girls until today! It’s really nice that they are encouraging our daughters to dream big, it’s really going to help motivate them to reach for their goals.
The accuracy of these traits is really mind blowing. I’m glad to see Disney use so many different characters to inspire certain traits in young girls.
I love seeing the different and creative ways Disney comes up with to help you teach your kids about certain behaviors. This is a very neat post.
I love how Disney works to empower girls to be the best they can be!!!
Your darling princesses! I love the messages the Disney princesses have for young girls. I hope my daughters are brave and kind.
Disney has always been the pinnacle of teaching little girls not only to be princesses, but that they can be anything they want and to dream big. My dreams as a big Disney princess girl myself is to travel the world more and grow my brand larger.
I liked how you put out the different traits that can be learned from each Disney princess. All of them are inspirational characters that helped me understand some concepts while growing up.
My daughter was never a fan of any Disney princesses, I dunno why . Hrr dream is to become an astro physicist and we told her to keep on dreaming and working to reaching that dream. Our son on the other hand wants to be a doctor, I hope they can work towards achiving them.
I just love this campaign so much! It’s so important to teach our girls to do whatever they dream of!
This my dream before when I was young! This campaign can also help to our dreamer to achieve their dreams.
This is really encouraging for the new year. My big dream for he new year is to be healthy and not have to go to the doctors or through surgery like I had to so many times last year, if I can help it.
What a great way to inspire kids with the popular Disney princesses. Annabella and Laurel seem to exemplify the qualities that princesses are known for.
I adore the Disney Princesses and think they are amazing role models for our children! I love that my daughter looks up to them for their bravery, spunk and intelligence!
My big dream for my kids is that they reach their goals, whatever that my be. My big dream for myself is to step outside my comfort zone and do a few things that I’ve been holding back on.
Such cute princesses! These pics are so cute!
There are so many princesses that are so different! I love that Disney is encouraging girls to dream big!
We went to WDW a few years ago and my daughter loved it. We spend HOURS upon HOURS waiting in line for all the princess signatures. What a keepsake!
My daughter wasn’t a princess, per se, but she was our little Tinkerbell.
Not only did she love Tink, she displayed so many of her traits, like being bossy, bratty, and absolutely adorable.
My big dream for 2017 would be to hear of peace and clam in the world. There is so much hate right now it is so sickening.
I think this is a great campaign. It encourages our daughters to dream big, which encourages setting goals. I think that setting goals is very important in having a structured life.
I think it is so important to encourage our Daughters to dream big. This is a fantastic campaign. Kids need to know anything is possible.
What sweet sentiments about your daughters. I love that Annabelle has started her own little charity with the backpacks!
Disney princesses have so many great characteristics. I think that they are great role models for little girls 🙂
I love all the different qualities that the princesses can show forth. Both my girls have big dreams that I’d love to see come true!
I’m a huge fan of Belle myself. I think there are so many wonderful qualities that a girl can learn from a Disney princess!
I love how Disney princesses affect every girl’s dream! Such a great encouragement for them to dream big!
Getting our own castle! Well, switching our house from a land contract to a mortgage, anyway.
It’s important that our children go for their dreams no matter how big or small. The Disney princesses are all strong role models.
Your girls are so pretty. Yup, they definitely resemble the likes of a princess. I guess we all have a little bit of royalty in us. They were so inspiring and fierce on the screen. Makes sense that we all loved them so much and related to them as we watched them across our screens.
my 15 year old will always be my little princess and I love that Disney is encouraging girls like her to follow their dreams and believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds to!
Looks like she’s definitely enjoying the Disney princess goodies! I loved Disney princesses when I was a little girl!
Love Disney Princesses and all of the stories of encouragement and support that I can tell to my daughters. While every girl is a princess, even princesses have to overcome obstacles and learn from their mistakes – I think there is a lot little girls can learn from Disney characters without getting spoiled.
Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney princess, but I can identify with most of them. Especially Pocahontas, Ariel, Rapunzel, and Snow White.
Disney Princesses are my favorite and I truly enjoyed reading this post!! I pray that the young girls of this nation find their dreams and are kind adults!!
I have been a huge of Disney Princesses and characters.. I am obsessed with Disney stories, always dream big!
You have two very pretty daughters. I am already a grandma, but I am still a huge fan of the Disney Princesses. It’s important that we encourage our girls to dream big.
I have a little boy, and I always teach him to dream big and if he wants something – to just go for it. He’s built confidence doing it and knows i’m behind him 100%
I’ve always dreamed big since I was a little girl and most of dreams have came true. 🙂 And that’s why I always tell my son to dream big as well.
I’m going to show the grand daughters the video. I’d love to ask them what their big dream is for this year.
Your both daughters look like real princesses. I remember when I was a kid, I like Cinderella the most.
Funny enough, our big dream for 2017 is getting to take our boys to Disneyland! I hope we make it!